Zoho Inventory

Inventory Reports

Inventory reports are exclusively generated for the inventory tracked items in your organization.

Inventory Summary

The Inventory Summary report shows you the quantity of an item sold and purchased for a given period. The stock details section in the report gives the combined stock availability for your items from all warehouses. Based on the mode of stock tracking you’ve selected, the quantity displayed would vary.

You can also filter the result of this report based on warehouse name, stock availability, status of the item, item name, category and also group the items belonging to the same category.

Inventory Summary Report

Field Details:

Committed Stock Details

The Committed Stock Details report depicts the number of confimed sales orders created for a given period. The data fields include sales order number, line items in the order and its quantity.

You can filter this report based on the mode of stock tracking and by date range.

Committed Stock Report

Missing Advanced Inventory Tracking Details

This report helps you view all the transactions that do not have serial numbers or batch details. You can also use this report to find out the specific quantity of items for which the tracking details are missing. Let’s look at all the fields in this report.

Missing Advanced Inventory Tracking Details
Field Description
Transaction# Shows the transactions which have items without tracking details.
Item Name The name of the items without tracking details.
Warehouse The warehouse in which the items are stored.
Tracking Mode The Tracking Mode shows you if an item is tracked by it’s serial number or batch.
Total Quantity This shows the total quantity of a specific item in a transaction.
Missing Quantity This field shows you the quantity of items in a transaction that do have tracking details.

Clicking the transaction number will take you to the transaction with the missing advanced inventory tracking details. Here, you can update the required details and save the transaction.

Customize Report

You can customize this report to filter out specific transactions or items. Here’s how.

Inventory Valuation Summary

This report summarises the stock on hand and the total asset value of your inventory items as of the current date. The calculation of Inventory Asset Value depends on the costing method selected for the item at the time of creation:

To Generate an Inventory Valuation Summary Report:


Export report
View in Zoho Sheet
View in full screen

Key Insights:

The Inventory Valuation Summary report includes the following fields:

  1. Item Name: The name of the product.
  2. Quantity Available: The physical quantity of the item available in your inventory.
  3. Inventory Asset Value: The total asset value of the stock available for the item, calculated based on the selected costing method (FIFO or WAC).
Additional Notes:

With these methods, you can manage your inventory valuations based on your preferred accounting method.

FIFO Cost Lot Tracking

Zoho Inventory employs the First In First Out principle to track goods. In this report, you can view a detailed account of all the items going out against the items coming in as per the FIFO rule during a given period. You can run this report for all your items or a specific item of your choice.

Scenario: Consider an item A whose opening stock and opening stock value is 20 units at 10 USD/unit. You purchase an additional 10 units at 12 USD/unit against Bill #1 which makes it a total of 30 units available for sale in your inventory. Now you receive an order requesting 25 units of item A. As soon as you send an invoice for these 25 pieces of item A, the system matches the first 20 units against the opening stock of 20 and calculates its value as 2010 USD = 200 USD. The remaining 5 units are matched against the 10 units from Bill #1 and its value is 512 USD = 60 USD, leaving you with five other units of item A from Bill #1 worth 12 USD/unit.

To generate a FIFO cost lot tracking report,

Image of choosing FIFO cost lot tracking report


Inventory Aging Summary

The Inventory Aging Summary report gives a rundown of the number of days you’ve been holding stock. This is helpful in identifying slow-moving and stale goods.

You can Customize the report based on aging intervals that can be either in days or weeks. In addition to that, you can print as well as export the result in PDF, XLS and CSV format.

Inventory Aging Summary

Batch Details Report

This report provides a stock summary of all or select batch tracked items in Zoho Inventory within a specified period. To generate Batch Details report,

Batch details report

Batch report customization

Field Description
Filter Criteria You can filter the results on the report based on expiry date or manufactured date or both.
Date Range Select the period for which you want the results to be fetched. In case of a custom date range, you can manually change the From and To date fields.
Warehouse Name Choose a warehouse for which you want to generate the batch report.
Item Name Choose an item, specific to which, you want to generate the batch report.
Do not show empty batches Selecting this option, hides those batches that have no stock.

Batch Transaction Summary Report

Here, you can view the list of transactions in which a particular batch reference number is used. To open this report:

Transaction summary report of a batch number

Under the Product In section, you can find the details of the inward transaction which the batch reference number is associated. The transactions include opening stock, bills, positive stock adjustments and transfer orders (created as a new batch in the destination warehouse).

Product In Details:

Under the Product Out section, you can find the details of the outward transactions with which the batch reference number is associated. The transactions include invoices, negative stock adjustments and transfer orders (shipped out from source warehouse).

Product Out Details:

Product Sales Report

To generate a product sales report,

Note: The price amounts will be displayed in your base currency.

screen shot of product sales report


Active Purchase Orders Report

This report shows the quantity for which purchase orders have been issued with the total cost incurred for each item in a given period.

By default, this report is generated for all warehouses. If needed, you can generate this report for a particular warehouse.

To generate an active purchase orders report,

Note: The price amounts will be displayed in your base currency.

Image of product sales report

Tools: Print - Export report - View in Zoho Sheet - View in full screen


Warehouse Report

This report shows the stock details of each item distributed across all warehouses. You can filter this report based on mode of stock tracking, date range, warehouse status, stock availability and item name.

Warehouse Report

Field Details:

Stock Summary Report

The Stock Summary report displays the details of all your item’s opening stock, quantity sold (Quantity Out), purchased (Quantity In), and closing stock (calculated as Opening Stock + Quantity In - Quantity Out) for a given period. This report is generated based on the accounting stock of your inventory items and can be filtered based on warehouse locations.

Stock Summary Report

Landed Cost Summary

This report depicts the summary of the landed cost you’ve incurred from your purchases with each vendor and the amount allocated for the items in the bills. Learn more about tracking landed costs on items in Zoho Inventory.

landed Cost Report

ABC Classification

The ABC Classification report is an inventory categorization report that groups your items into three classes, namely A, B, and C, based on the revenue they generate and its impact on your business for a specific period.

ABC Design image
Class Description
A This class consists of the most revenue-generating items. These items contribute heavily to the overall profit of your company. The items listed under this class are critical for your business and require your complete focus to ensure that these items are never out of stock.
B This class consists of moderately selling items that don’t have a low-impact as class C but not as crucial as class A. However, based on the shifting demands, they move into class A or class C.
C This class consists of the bottom-of-the-barrel items that are usually surplus but contribute the least to your revenue. Since they take up most of the inventory space and holding costs, they do not require replenishing unless they are out of stock.

Knowing this information will help you allocate resources to each item efficiently based on its impact.

To view this report:

Note: If the number of items in your organization exceeds 1000, you cannot view this report within Zoho Inventory. You will have to export the report in your preferred format and view it on your device.

ABC Report
Field Description
Item Name Under this header, all the items available in your organization are listed.
Cumulative Value The Cumulative Value of an item varies based on the filter you choose. In a nutshell, Cumulative Value represents the total contribution of each item.

The Usage Value filter will calculate the Cumulative Value of the items based on the total number of times an item was sold multiplied by its cost.

The Quantity filter will calculate the Cumulative Value of the items based on the number of times an item was sold.
Cumulative Share Cumulative Share represents the percentage of cumulative value that each item contributes to the total cumulative value.
Current Class Based on the percentage you have given for each class and the cumulative share for each item, the class assigned to all the items will be listed here.

Customize Report

You can customize this report according to your business needs using the Customize Report option.

To customize this report:

Customize ABC Report

Here, you can customize the percentage limit for each class, choose the filter using which the items are classified, and select the date range. You can also add any advanced filters if you want to.

Note: The sum of the percentage limits of the three classes should not exceed 100.

Let’s understand how the percentage limit that you give here affects the classification of each item.

After the Cumulative Share of each item is calculated, the items are arranged in descending order. This means that the item with the highest Cumulative Share will be at the top of the report.

Let’s say that you have set the percentage limit for Class A, B, and C as 40, 40, and 20, respectively.

If the Cumulative Share of Item 1 is 39 and Item 2 is 35, Zoho Inventory will put Item 1 under Class A. The calculations will be repeated from the beginning. Here, 39 + 35 is 74, which is less than 80. Now, Zoho Inventory will put Item B under Class B. If the next item, Item 3, has a Cumulative Share of 7, the total sum of the Cumulative Share of all the items will then be 81. Since the total sum is more than 80, Zoho Inventory will put this item under Class C.

To sum up the example above, the first set of items whose Cumulative Shares add up to 40 will be categorized as Class A. For categorizing Class B items, the Cumulative Shares of the items are summed up from the beginning, and the set of items whose Cumulative Shares add up to 80 are grouped. All items in this group that do not belong to Class A are classified as Class B. The rest of the items in the report will be classified as Class C.

Export Report

To export a report:

Export ABC Report

The report will be exported in your preferred format.

Other than having it saved offline, the exported file can also be used to get more insights. Let’s see how:

Import Report

Note: Before you import the report, ensure that you have moved the Previous Class column from the Available Column to Selected Column. To do this, go to Customize Report > Show / Hide Columns.

Importing a previously exported report and comparing it with the current report shows how your items have performed over a certain period. If an item in Class C in the previous report increased its sales, it would be moved to Class B or even Class A based on the percentage of improvement in the current report. Knowing these details will help you shift your focus on these items. To import a report:

Import ABC Report Compare ABC Reportt

After the file is imported, the class from the imported file will be shown under Previous Class in the current report.