More Actions

You can perform a variety of operations for your Zoho Books Organization:

Quick Create

You can instantly add customers and vendors, create different sales and purchase transactions and much more by clicking the quick create button. Here’s how:

Quick Create

Change Organization Name

To change the name of your organization:

Change Organization Name

Add Organization

If you have different businesses and want to account them separately, you can do so by adding organizations in Zoho Books. Here’s how:

Add Organization

Switch Between Organizations

To switch between multiple organizations:

Switch Organizations

Change Default Organization

When you log in to Zoho Books, the default organization will open up if you have multiple organizations. You can choose which organization you would want to view when you first log in. Here’s how:

Manage Organizations Mark as Default


You can get a quick glimpse of all the notifications in Zoho Books directly within the app.

In the Notifications section, you can view different updates in your organization, such as, when customers view invoices from their customer portal, when reorder level is breached, when a customer is synced with Zoho CRM, automation alerts, and other updates.

To view all notifications:


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