VAT MOSS in Sales Transactions

VAT MOSS is applicable only on the sales of a digital service to a customer for whom VAT MOSS tracking is enabled. When creating a sales transaction i.e: Quote, Invoice, Sales Order etc, make sure that,


  • You cannot record sales of digital services for different countries in a single sales transaction (Invoice, Quote, Sales Order etc.). Each country should have a separate sales transaction.
  • VAT rate of other member countries is not applicable for the digital service if MOSS tracking is not enabled for the transaction.

Pro Tip: While processing the sale of cross-border digital services, it is important to know the place of supply so as to apply the correct VAT rate. To ease the process of obtaining this information, you can presume your customers’ place of residence based on any accompanying evidence and apply the VAT applicable in that country.

While Zoho Books does not have the option to enter the evidence information directly, we recommend that you use Custom Fields to store this information for your reference while creating invoices.

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