Is there an option to import per diem rates in bulk?

Yes, you can add the per diem rates in a CSV or TSV file and import them. To do this:

  1. Click Admin View.

  2. Click the icon in the top right corner or go to Settings on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to Policies under Users and Control.

  4. Click the policy for which you want to import per diem rates.

  5. Switch to the PER DIEM tab.

  6. Click the More icon next to the + Add Rate for a Location button.

  7. Click Import Per Diem Rates.

  8. In the first step, drag and drop a file you want to upload or click Choose file to choose a file from your desktop or a cloud account. If you want to upload another file instead of the selected file, click Replace File and choose another file.

  9. Click Next.

  10. In the next step, the best match to each field in Zoho Expense will be auto-mapped with the fields in the imported file. If there are unmapped fields, map them manually. Also, if you leave some fields unmapped, they will not be imported into Zoho Expense. If you want to save the existing mapping for future imports, mark the Save these selections for use during future imports checkbox.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Once you have mapped all the relevant fields, click Import to import the per diem rates.

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