Integrate Zoho Books with Twilio

Zoho Books now integrates with Twilio to enable you to send notifications to your customers via SMS. Twilio is a cloud communications platform that enables businesses to make and receive phone calls, SMS and perform other communication functions using its web service APIs.



Note: This feature is available only for certain plans of Zoho Books. Visit the pricing page to check if it’s available in your current plan.


Connect with Twilio

To set up this integration:

Connect with Twilio

Now, Zoho Books will be connected with Twilio and you’ll be able to view the SMS notifications that are enabled for your organization by clicking Configure below the integration. You’ll be redirected to the SMS Templates page where you can enable or disable these notifications.

Configure Twilio

Configure SMS Notifications & Templates

SMS notifications are available for the following cases:

SMS Notification When can you send them?
Invoice Details
  • You can send it when you create an invoice and want to notify via SMS.
  • Based on your preferences, Invoice Creation SMSes are sent automatically for recurring invoices.
Payment Reminder
  • A Payment Reminder SMS will be sent automatically based on your preferences in Settings > Reminders & Notifications > Reminders > Invoices > Automated Reminders.
Payment Thank You
  • You can send them when you record payment for an invoice.
  • Based on your preferences, a Payment Thank You SMS will be sent automatically when you receive online payments.

You can enable each SMS notification to send them to your customers. Here’s how:

SMS Templates

Note: At the moment, you’ll not be able to edit the SMS that will be sent to your customers.

By default, SMS notifications will be enabled for all your customers’ primary contact.

Enable SMS Notifications for Contact Persons

SMS notifications are not enabled by default for contact persons of a customer. You have to enable them manually. Here’s how:

If you want disable it, you can do so by repeating the above steps.

Enable Contact Person SMS Notification

Disable SMS Notifications for a Contact

You can disable the SMS notification for individual customers if you don’t want to notify them via SMS. This will prevent you from sending an SMS to the primary contact or any of the contact persons associated with that customer.

To disable SMS notifications:

If you want to enable it, you can do it by repeating the above steps.

Disable SMS
Disable SMS Notifications for Primary Contact

If you want to disable SMS notifications only for the primary contact, follow the steps below:

Disable SMS Notifications for Primary Contact

Send SMS Notifications

Based on the SMS notifications you’ve enabled and the contact preferences, SMS will be automatically sent to the respective customers and contact persons in the following cases:

SMS will not be sent if you have not recorded any phone number for the customer or contact persons.

Apart from SMS notifications being sent automatically, you can send them manually. Here’s how:

Notify via SMS Preview SMS Notification

The SMS notification will be sent immediately and the status of the SMS will be updated in the transaction history and contact activities.

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