Basic Functions in Delivery Challans

Let us have a look at how you can enable and create a Delivery Challan in Zoho Books.

Enable Delivery Challan

To create Delivery Challans in Zoho Books, you will have to enable the Delivery Challans module first. To do this: 

Enable Delivery Challan

Create Delivery Challan

To create a new delivery challan:

Create Delivery Challan
Fields Description
Customer Name Select the customer for whom you want to create a Delivery Challan.
Place of Supply  This place will be auto-selected based on the selected customer’s GSTIN. 
Delivery Challan#  The delivery challan number will be auto-generated. However, you can change the auto-generation series or enter a unique number by clicking the Gear icon.
Reference#  Enter a reference number for your delivery challan.
Delivery Challan Date  Select the date on which the delivery challan is created.
Challan Type Select the purpose for which the challan is being created.

  Creat Delivery Challan

Insight: Once you have created a delivery challan, it will be saved in the Draft status. When the goods have been dispatched for delivery, you can click the Convert to Open button to mark the delivery challan as Open.

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