QST Returns

Zoho Books helps you in filing and recording your QST returns for your business based out of Canada. QST Return report is generated with respect to the lines that are given in the Revenu Québec’s QST return filing form.

Setting Up Tax Returns

To enable tax returns in Zoho Books, configure the tax return settings first. Here’s how:

Setting Up Tax Returns Pop-up - Setting Up

Now, your tax return is configured.

Generating Your Tax Return

Generating your first tax return in Zoho Books is simple. After configuring the QST tax return, you can easily generate a tax return. Here’s how:

Now, your tax return will be generated, which can be viewed or downloaded if necessary.

Generating Your First Tax Return

Tax Return Details

Click the numbers in the boxes to see detailed information for each entry. This lets you dive deeper into the data shown in the lines.

Tax Rate Details

Adjustments in QST Returns

The QST returns allows you to record adjustments in the corresponding lines of your tax return. Here’s how:

Setting Up Tax Returns Adjustments - Pop-up

Now, the amount in the tax return will be adjusted accordingly.

Include Previous Transactions

Sometimes, you may need to record a transaction for a previous QST return period, even if that return has already been filed. You can do this by recording the transaction with the previous date and including it in your current QST return.

To include previous transactions during filing:

Now, any unfiled transactions from previous tax periods will be included in this tax return.

Include Previous Transactions

View QST Returns

To view returns:

Now, in this page, you can view all the QST returns that have been recorded.

The Status shows if you have filed your QST return and the Balance Due indicates the amount you need to pay or claim for your return.

View Tax Return

Note: You can only generate a new QST return after filing the previous return.

Delete QST Return

To delete a return:

Delete Tax Return

Mark QST Return as Filed


  • Once marked, the transactions for the current tax period cannot be edited.
  • Tax Return cannot be filed before the end of the reporting period

After filing your tax returns with the tax agency you can mark your QST return as filed. Here’s how:

Mark Tax Return as Filed Setting Up Tax Returns

Now, the tax return will be marked as filed.

To print tax returns:

Print Tax Return

Export Tax Returns

To export tax returns:

Print Tax Return

Record Tax Payments

You can record tax payments in three ways:

Directly from Tax Payments

Prerequisite: Ensure you have a bank account configured in your Zoho Books organization for recording and making payments.

Once you mark your QST return as Filed, you can record the payment for the tax. Here’s how:

Record Tax Return

Now, your payment for the due tax will be recorded.

From a Bank Account

To record a tax payment from a bank account:

Record tax Payment - Bank Record-Bank-2

Now, the payment will be recorded for the tax due from the selected bank account.

By Recording a Claim

In Zoho Books, you can claim a refund or credit for overpaid taxes, tax exemptions, or rebates. Here’s how:

Record Claim

Now, your payment for the due tax will be recorded.

Note: You can record an instalment payment for QST Tax Returns annually.

Payment History

You can view, edit and delete payments made in the payment history for the QST returns you’ve filed.

View Payment History

To view payment history:

Now, you can view all the payments made for due taxes.

View Payment History

Edit Payments

To edit a payment:

Edit Payments

Delete Recorded Payments

To delete payments:

Now, the tax payment will be deleted.

Print Tax Return
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