Sales tax is less taxing with Zoho Books

Zoho Books makes tax season stress-free. While you're busy growing your business, we do the calculations for your sales tax returns and 1099s.
Set up your taxes before you start selling

Set up your taxes before you start selling

Have your taxes in place before you take your first order. Define multiple taxes, set a default tax rate, and enter the exemptions that apply to your business.
Keep your sales tax rates up to date

Keep your sales tax rates up to date

The Avalara integration for Zoho Books not only computes final invoice amounts but also fetches the current tax rates and exemptions automatically.
Find your sales tax liability

Find your sales tax liability

We calculate the sales tax you owe in a consolidated report that's ready to file at tax time.
Track use tax

Track use tax

Get your sales tax liability right and ensure you account for all your out-of-state purchases and report them to your local tax authority via the use tax capability.

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