Back to Recurring Invoice Overview
Creating and Sending Recurring Invoices
Bill your customers on a regular interval for the same amount of product/services offered. Also, you can set preferences on how the invoices generated are sent to your customers, either after review or directly to your customers.
Creating a New Recurring Invoice
Bill your customers on a regular interval for the same amount of product/services offered.
Navigate to the Sales tab and click on the + icon either next to the recurring invoices or above the recurring invoice list.
You will be navigated to a new recurring invoice form for capturing the details involved in creating a recurring invoice.
Customer Details
In this section, you will be learning about entering the basic customer and invoice details.
The Customer Name field should be filled with the name of the customer for whom you wish to create a recurring invoice. Pick the customer from the list you have created already or add a new customer by selecting the New Customer option.
Profile Name is the name with which the recurring invoice will be associated with, the invoices generated will contain this profile name.
Select the desired schedule by when the invoices should be generated from the Repeat Every drop down.
Set the start date of the recurring invoice by selecting from the Starts On field. By default, this is the date when the recurring invoice is created.
Select when the billing cycle should end from the Ends On date field. If there is no end date and its a redundant process, simply check the Never Expires box. This will keep generating invoices as per the scheduled cycle.
If you wish to apply a Late Fee to the invoices that are overdue, select an option from the Late Fee drop down. You can also create a new late free by selecting the + New Late Fee option.
Set the due date of the invoices generated from the recurring invoice by selecting one of the options in the Payment Terms drop down.
The Item Rates Are tab allows you can choose your line items’ rates to be ‘Tax Exclusive’ or ‘Tax Inclusive.’ To enable this tab, head to More Settings > Preferences > General and check the option ‘Enable the option to mark your sales transaction as either Tax Exclusive or Tax Inclusive’
Select the Price List you wish to apply to the invoice from the price list options you have created.This feature will appear in the invoice only if the feature is enabled. Learn more about Price Lists.
You can type to add a sales person or choose a name that already exists. This field is very helpful in identifying the sales person who closed a deal.
Item Details
In this section, we will be walking you through the procedure of adding the item details in your recurring invoice. Learn more about Items.
You can select or type in an item from the list of items shown in the drop down. Select the Add New Item option to add a new item.
Once the item is selected, the Rate field is automatically populated. The Rate field can be edited.
Fill in the Quantity of the items and enter a Discount amount if you wish to provide.
Insight: Discount can be applied at invoice level or item level. To set discounts at invoice/item level or to disable discounts, navigate to Settings > Preferences > General.
Apply a Tax rate to the item you have added from the tax drop down. To create a new tax, select + New Tax present in the drop down.
Adjustments & shipping Charges are additional charges which can be added to your invoice. All you need to do is to enable/disable from Settings > More Settings > Preferences > General.
Payment Options, Terms & Conditions, Templates
This section will walk you through configuring payment options, editing terms & conditions and changing templates for your recurring invoice.
Add Customer Notes related to the recurring invoice which will be displayed on the invoices generated when sent to the customer.
Payment Options needs to be selected from the payment modes provided. This is important as this will be used for charging the customer or for the customer to make payment for the invoice. For recurring invoices, Zoho Invoice provides the Auto-charge feature. Learn more about Auto-charge.
To configure more payment gateways, click on Select Payment Modes and select a payment gateway from the Configure and add more payment gateways from here section.
Enter the Terms & Conditions that you wish to be displayed on the invoices generated. This can also be customized by navigating to Settings > More Settings > Preferences > Invoices and Terms & Conditions.
Invoice Template is generally set by default. You can change the template by clicking on the Change option and selecting another template. Now click on Save.
Sending a Recurring Invoice
You can set preferences on how the invoices generated are sent to your customers, either after review or directly to your customers.
- Navigate to Settings > Preferences and select the Recurring Invoices tab.
Selecting Create Invoices as drafts, will make the created recurring invoices to be saved as draft. It allows you to review and edit the invoice before being sent to the customer.
Selecting Create and Send Invoices, will send the invoices generated directly to the customer.
Selecting Create, Charge and Send Invoices, your customers will be automatically charged for the invoices created by associating their card.
By choosing this option you can configure settings for successful, failure payment notification and retry setting on payment failure.
Insight: Payment reminders will be disabled for the invoices generated from the recurring invoices with Create, Charge and Send Invoices option.