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Disabling Auto-charge
Do you wish to disable this feature for your recurring invoice? Read here.
If your customer wishes to pay you offline, or you they do not want Auto-charge to take place, you can always disable Auto-charge for your recurring invoice.
Select the recurring invoice for which you wish to disable Auto-charge.
Select the More drop down and click on Disable Auto-charge.
- This will disable Auto-charge for your recurring invoice. To enable Auto-charge, select Enable Auto-charge from the More drop down.
Stopping and Deleting Recurring Invoices
Stop your recurring invoice from generating any more invoices or delete the recurring invoice completely.
If your customer suspends the project or the service that is being rendered on a regular basis, that is to be resumed soon, you can Stop the recurring invoice and Start it whenever necessary.
If the whole project or service is cancelled, then you can delete the recurring invoice.
To Stop
- Navigate to the Recurring Invoices tab, select the invoice you wish to stop.
- Select the Stop option from the More drop down.
Insight: To start the recurring invoice again, select Start from the More drop down.
To Delete
- Navigate to the Recurring Invoices tab, select the invoice you wish to delete.
- Select the Delete option from the More drop down.
Deleting Customer’s Card
If your customer does not wish to have their credentials with you, or if it stops working, delete their card details from your Zoho Invoice account.
- Navigate to the Recurring Invoices tab and select the recurring invoice for which you want to delete the card.
- From the More drop down, select Delete Card and click on Yes when prompted.
- This will delete the card from the recurring invoice.