Rolling Out Candidate Review Form for Zoho Recruit

The age old story of the tortoise and the hare is passé; today it’s a rat race and the slow and steady often fall behind to give way for the faster ones. It’s no different in the recruitment world too! The finish line is not drawn when you find the perfect candidate; you are still a long way from snagging them. It is a tight race, from spotting the candidate, communicating with them, evaluating them, getting them approved and finally on board. Many a recruiter has lost valuable candidates due to the cracks in the system – unimaginative user interface, manual processes, and complex workflows; the list is many.

With every new feature that Zoho Recruit rolls out, we hope to maintain our lead in the race and make the customer’s work life easier. The latest to come out of the Recruit lab is sure to put a smile on the face of both the recruiter and client. Introducing the new Candidate Review Form.

Candidate Review Form for Zoho Recruit

Explaining what it does is simple. Have you ever spent countless hours waiting for the client to take a look at the brilliant mail you have sent with all the candidate details and give a yes or no? The wait can be excruciating! Every now and then you go check your inbox to see if you’ve got mail; and finally when it does, you rush back to your system to update the candidate’s status and get them approved before it’s too late. Even small delays can cost you a great candidate who might have been an asset for your company.

Now, you can avoid any such delays using the Candidate Review Form. When you send the mail to the client, the link for the Candidate Review Form is embedded in the template. The client can click the link from the email and he will be directed to the Candidate Review Form, where all the candidate details are beautifully displayed. So this time around, both recruiter and client has it easy.

ZRecruit-Candidate Review Form

  • Quick Review Process: The client needn’t wait to download the resume, read it, then compose an email with comments and send it back. All the details are right on the page for easy analysis.
  • Instant Comments: Have something to say about the candidate? It’s quite easy; add the comments in the Feedback field; when the candidate status is registered, the comments will be added as notes in the Candidate Details page.
  • Easy Email Access: If you want to refer to your email, you needn’t go back and forth between your inbox and review form. Just click the message icon in the page and all the email details will be displayed.
  • Auto Status Update: Happy with the choice of candidate or not, you can register your vote in the Candidate Review Form. Click the Approve or Reject button, and the status will be automatically registered in the system.
  • Email Alerts: We’ve made sure you never miss out on any communication again. Besides auto updating the status in the system, you also get an email notification regarding the change, making it impossible for you to miss anything important.

So forget the manual updates, endless waiting and needless wasting of time. Get the client approval in a jiffy and let the candidate know what’s in store.

Queries, clarifications or comments, we are always happy to hear from you!


6 Replies to Rolling Out Candidate Review Form for Zoho Recruit

  1. This is a great feature! Is there anywhere in Zoho where we can customize this page? I would like to make the feedback field mandatory, and add a personal description of the candidate.

    1. Hello Evan, Thanks for the feedback. Sorry! Currently, we do not support the customization of the candidate review form. You can select the fields to be displayed on the form, but cannot make the feedback field mandatory or add any personal description of the candidate. Please let me know if you need any further clarification. Thanks!

    1. Hello Lee, The details on the candidate review form can be added/edited in the email template used for sending the candidate details. To answer your second query; yes, you can add any field from the candidate module by inserting the corresponding merge field value in the email template body. Check the help link for more details. Please let me know if you need any further clarification. Thanks!

  2. How does this work when you are reviewing and approving candidates by committee? We will have multiple people reviewing the same candidate and expressing an opinion on each of them. Is it possible to summarize their collective input on each candidate? Also, if we have 70 candidates for one posting, do we have to send the client 70 e-mails (one for each candidate) or can we send them one link that lets them see and review all 70 at once.

    1. Hello Don, Sorry, currently it's not possible to summarize the collective input on each candidate. But, if multiple contacts are involved in the decision making, then you have the option to include all the associated contacts in the email you send. Please note that a candidate can be approved/rejected only by a contact at a time. So it is preferable that the reviewers come to be a mutual agreement and then one of them take the call to approve or reject. No, you need not send 70 individual emails. You can send up to 100 candidates for review at one shot, using the candidate review form link. Please let me know if you need any further clarification. Thanks!

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