Zoho Subscriptions is now Zoho Billing — An end-to-end solution for complex billing requirements. Explore Zoho Billing


Zoho Subscriptions integration with G Suite

Why spend your precious time and effort to import your Google Contacts and Users manually when Zoho Subscriptions can do it for you? Our import wizard lets you have all your Google Users as Users and Contacts as Customers inside Zoho Subscriptions in no time.


Import Users

With this new integration, Zoho Subscriptions can import Users from G Suite. Thus the complete hierarchy, that is the admin and the staff of the organization remain the same in Zoho Subscriptions as they are in G Suite.


Import Customers

With this new integration, Zoho Subscriptions will import and fetch all the contact information (existing and newly added) from Google Contacts and save them as Customers in Zoho Subscriptions.


Single organization for all your users.

If your boss already holds an organization for your company in Zoho Subscriptions, then all that you need to do is just request for the access, and you will be able to access the same organization. There is no need for you to create a new one. On the whole, you can have a single organization for your company in Zoho Subscriptions.

Message from CEO

Zoho is a software company that ships 45+ products globally. Operating on a subscription pricing model for more than 20 years has given us the opportunity to face and overcome the practical pain points of subscription businesses. Let us solve your subscription billing challenges, together.

Sridhar Vembu

CEO, Zoho Corporation

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