
What is Google Shopping?

If you're a seasoned online seller, then you likely don't need any introduction to this. However, if you're new to the e-commerce scene, this is for you. Google Shopping is a service provided by Google that allows users to view and compare products offered by different sellers. When a user enters a search query for a product, image ads pop up at the top of the search results page, making it convenient for the user to find the best offer.

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Google Shopping components

Google Shopping is divided into two categories: Google Ads and the Google Merchant Center. To make your product visible in Google Shopping, you need to bid an amount on relevant search keywords through Google Ads. The Google Merchant Center helps you decide which items you want to display in the ads along with their images.

Google Shopping Component - Zoho Inventory

How will the integration help?

This integration brings your inventory management and Google Shopping account together. This way, it's easy for you to view, edit, and start new e-commerce activities from a single place. Here are some of the benefits for both Google Ads and the Google Merchant Center.

Google Merchant Center - Zoho Inventory

Google Merchant Center

To make your items visible in Google Shopping, you need to share the inventory data, images, and price of the items. If you integrate the account with Zoho Inventory, then:

  • You don't need to log in separately. Inventory data gets automatically entered into Google Shopping.
  • Product sales information can be accessed within Zoho Inventory
  • The approval status of the product can be viewed within the app
  • A reorder point can be set in Zoho Inventory, and you'll get an automatic pop-up notification when stock levels are low
  • If you sell items through multiple marketplaces and you've run out of stock due to heavy sales from different channels, your item will automatically stop being displayed on Google Shopping. You don't have to track it manually.
Google Ads - Zoho Inventory

Google Ads

To run your shopping campaigns, you need to manage your bids and budget in Google Ads. If you integrate your account with Zoho Inventory, then:

  • You can set bids and the budget and create campaigns from the Zoho Inventory app
  • To get an overview of campaign performance, you can view reports without logging in to your Google Ads account
  • You can edit or change the campaign after reviewing its performance
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