
Can I edit an expense that has already been reimbursed?

You will not be able to edit an expense that has already been reimbursed. However, you can undo the reimbursement in Zoho Expense to edit the expense in Zoho Books or Zoho Expense.

Note: Only admins in Zoho Expense will be able to undo a reimburse expense.

To do this:

  • Log in to your Zoho Expense account.
  • Switch to Admin View in the left sidebar.
  • Go to Reports.
  • Navigate to the Reimbursed tab to view the list of reimbursed reports.
  • Click the report for which you want to undo the reimbursement.
  • Click the Undo Reimbursement button.

Once you undo the reimbursed report, you will be able to edit the expense that has been associated to the report.

Edit Reimbursed Expenses Edit Reimbursed Expenses
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