
    1. What is Zoho Marketplace?

    Zoho Marketplace is an online store where Zoho users can find and install over 2000 ready-to-use extensions and custom apps that expand the core functionality of their Zoho applications. Find out more about Zoho Marketplace here.


    2. What are extensions?

    Extensions are installable entities or ready-to-use integrations that let you do more with your business application by connecting two applications without you having to write a single line of code. They provide feature enhancements, integrations with other apps. and many other special capabilities. Check out 900+ extensions for Zoho CRM and extensions for other popular Zoho products such as Zoho Desk, Zoho Mail, Zoho Recruit, and more.


    3. Are extensions safe to use?

    Yes, all the extensions in the Marketplace are thoroughly verified by our team and are reliable to use.


    4. How do extensions work with my Zoho application?

    Extensions are a packaged code customized and designed to run inside Zoho apps. They function seamlessly with third party applications.


    5. What are the different types of solutions I can find on Marketplace?

    You can discover extensions for 29 Zoho products, custom applications for your unique needs, and even industry-specific solutions.


    6. Who can use Marketplace extensions?

    Extensions on Zoho Marketplace are only compatible with Zoho products, so you'll need to be a Zoho user to make use of them.


    7. How do I install an extension from Marketplace?

    To install an extension, you will require Admin rights. If you are an Admin user within your Zoho product, simply find your desired extension, click the Install or Start free trial button on the page, and follow the on-screen instructions. If you don't have Admin rights, contact a user in your organization who does and ask them to follow these instructions.


    8. Will anyone in my organization be able to install or uninstall an extension?

    Only users with Admin privileges can install or uninstall an extension.


    9. How do I find free extensions on Marketplace?

    Select the Zoho product that you are using by clicking Extensions in the top-left corner of the homepage, then check Free under the Price filter.


    10. If I purchase a paid extension, what will I be billed for and when?

    Upon buying a paid extension, you will be billed only for the extension, and nothing else. Depending on the billing cycle of that particular extension, you may have to renew your subscription on a monthly or yearly basis.


    11. If I purchase an extension built by a Marketplace partner, what personal data of mine will be shared and when?

    At Zoho, our customer privacy is important to us. We will only share your name and email address with the partner with your explicit consent.

    The following actions may prompt data sharing with the partner.

    • Setting up or configuring an user account - Data sharing is mandatory.
    • Signing up for a free trial for an extension - Data sharing is optional and is only shared if you consent.
    • Installing a free extension - Data sharing is optional and is only shared if you consent.
    • Purchasing a paid extension - Data sharing is mandatory.
    • Rating and providing feedback for an extension when installing or uninstalling - Data sharing is mandatory.

    12. What are the benefits of using Marketplace extensions?

    The extensions from Zoho Marketplace will enable you to create an agile and integrated business, helping your team do their best work effortlessly - all without writing a single line of code.

    • Improve your customer experiences
    • Automate tasks and processes
    • Break data silos
    • Enhance tracking and ROI
    • Optimize workflows
    • Collaborate better
    • Boost productivity

    ​​SurveyMonkey for CRM: Helps CRM users automatically pipe survey responses to the respective CRM records.

    RingCentral for Zoho Desk: Adds call-related features such as click-to-dial and automatic call logging to Desk, enabling Desk users to have contextual phone interactions (just like conversations in real life) by automatically fetching the customer's profile and conversation history before an agent answers a call.

    GoToMeeting for Cliq: Helps Cliq users view and manage their meetings from Cliq.

    Unbabel for Zoho Desk: Adds the ability to auto-translate customer support tickets and reply in your end customers' native languages, helping you offer a multilingual customer support experience to better serve global customers in their native language.


    13. What happens after I submit a review for an extension that I've used?

    After you can submit a review for an extension, your review will undergo moderation, which takes about 1-2 business days. If approved, the review will be published on Zoho Marketplace. You can then view the review on the relevant extension's listing page.


    14. What does the review moderation process entail?

    We check to see if the review is from a legitimate user and if the review submitted is relevant.

    As per the moderation process, the following users are considered legitimate:

    • Users who have installed the extension
    • Users who do not belong to the vendor company
      Note: Users from the vendor company cannot submit a review for their extension and extensions from other vendors.
    • Users who are not an employee of Zoho

    Your review will be rejected for the following reasons:

    • Not a legitimate user
    • Use of profane language
    • Irrelevant comment or use of invalid characters

    If rejected, you will receive an email explaining why your review was rejected.


    15. Where can I check the status of my review during moderation?

    You can check the status of your review in the user profile. The status would be either 'Under Review' or 'Approved/Rejected'. You will also receive an email notifying you of whether your review has been accepted or rejected.


    1. Who can become a Marketplace partner and how?

    Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and System Integrators (SIs) can sign up on Zoho Marketplace and create a company profile to become a Marketplace partner.

    Please note that you don't have to be a Zoho partner to become a Marketplace partner.


    2. How do I build an extension?

    Use the tools and resources that Zoho provides to create 100% scalable business applications on the cloud. Expand Zoho's features by creating powerful extensions. Integrate with third-party apps, design intelligent workflows, and sell them in the Zoho Marketplace. Check out the detailed step-by-step process to build an extension here.


    3. I have built an extension, what should I do next?

    After building an extension, you can either use it for your own internal business purposes, or get some exposure by selling it to our customer base by listing it on Zoho Marketplace. We offer the Launchpad Program to all technology partners and ISVs who have recently launched a Zoho Marketplace extension or custom app.


    4. I am in the process of building an extension and got stuck. Can I get support from the developers to complete my building process?

    Absolutely! Our technical support staff are available to help you build your extension. Feel free to write to tech@zohomarketplace.com and we'll get your questions answered.


    5. How do I list my extension in Zoho Marketplace?

    The process of listing an extension in the Marketplace is simple:

    1. Sign up to become a Marketplace Partner.

    2. Access the Partner Console from the My Accounts dropdown in the top-right corner of the Zoho Marketplace home page.

    3. Submit your integration or app with the necessary details in the Apps section. Guidelines here.

    4. The review team will contact to see a demo and proceed with the approval process.

    The entire process consists of functional and security testing, as well as content review. This will take an average of two-to-three weeks.


    6. Is there any fee to develop extensions?

    We will never charge a fee for extension development. We strongly believe that the technology we provide can actually change the way businesses work. For this to happen, partnership has to be affordable.


    7. What are the steps involved in the approval process of the app submitted to Zoho Marketplace?

    The process begins with the technical and functionality review to check the programming code and test the performance of the app, respectively. Furthermore, the app's compliance with Zoho's regulations is reviewed. The final stage of the approval process is the review of content to ensure the app conforms to the description provided and adheres to the Zoho Marketplace's listing guidelines.


    8. Are the apps listed on Marketplace compliant with data privacy and will they be reviewed during the approval process?

    Yes, we will obtain consent from the developer at the time of submitting the app for review, and this will be verified during the approval process.


    9. If an integration includes third party configuration settings, are the settings reviewed as well?

    Yes, the settings are reviewed during the approval process.


    10. How long does it take to list a submitted extension?

    Before listing, an application undergoes four levels of review to ensure the integrity, validity, and functionality of the application. Submitted extensions must meet specified content and design guidelines to be approved by our testing team before they are published. The entire process usually takes about two-to-three weeks.


    11. How do I optimize my Zoho Marketplace listing? Are there any specific formats or dimensions I must adhere to?

    We have put together a style guide to help users find your extension easier. These are carefully designed guidelines created so that your extension can be quickly located using relevant tags and keywords.


    12. How will Zoho help in promoting my extension?

    We offer the Launchpad Program to all technology partners and ISVs who have recently launched a Zoho Marketplace extension or custom app to smoothly kick off your GTM plans. You can register for the Launchpad Program by completing this form.


    13. How can customers find my listing?

    There are several ways a customer can find your app.

    - They may use keywords to search or browse using categories. They may also choose to click on a tag that they find relevant. Learn how to optimize your listing.

    - Users may discover your listing by sorting results by rating or new releases, or by visiting your vendor profile page. 

    - Users may also discover your listing through search engines such as Google or Bing, or through social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter. To improve your organic app discovery follow our brief guidelines on activities after listing.


    14. Can I submit a paid app or price my app listing?

    Yes, you can list a paid app on Zoho Marketplace.


    15. Can I get the details of my app's users?

    During installation, with the user's consent, we'll share the user details with the vendor via email. However, this is only mandatory for paid extensions and trials.


    16. What happens after a user submits a review for an extension that they've used?

    After a user has submitted a review for an extension, the review will undergo moderation, which takes about 1-2 business days. If approved, the review will be published on Zoho Marketplace. The review can then be viewed on the relevant extension's listing page.


    17. What does the review moderation process entail?

    We check to see if the review is from a legitimate user and if the review submitted is relevant.

    As per the moderation process, the following users are considered legitimate:

    • Users who have installed the extension
    • Users who do not belong to the vendor company
      Note: Users from the vendor company cannot submit a review for their extension and extensions from other vendors.
    • Users who are not an employee of Zoho

    A user's review will be rejected for the following reasons:

    • Not a legitimate user
    • Use of profane language
    • Irrelevant comment or use of invalid characters

    If rejected, the user will receive an email explaining why the review was rejected.


    18. How secure is my app on Zoho Marketplace?

    If your app is built on our platform, the app's source code cannot be downloaded from Zoho Marketplace. We do not have exclusive control over apps built on third-party platforms.