What's new with Zoho People: July product updates

We are back again with our monthly product updates! This month, our product developers have introduced some awesome features and updates that make Zoho People more effective for your business, and we’re very delighted to present them. These updates are aimed at making HR management easier and less strenuous. Here’s a quick glimpse of what’s new with Zoho People this July:

  • Mark attendance as present by default

Attendance must be managed effectively to avoid penalties. Errors in attendance data often involve regularization, which takes extra time for both you and your employees. To ease this process, we have introduced the Present by Default feature. By enabling this feature, attendance can be marked as present for individuals or certain groups of employees for a particular time period. This can be useful for on-site employees who don’t have the means to mark attendance and senior officials who may not have time to mark attendance with their busy schedule. With this feature, you don’t have to worry about attendance errors and regularization. Learn how to use our Present by Default feature here. 

  • Factor in Bradford scores to minimize unplanned absences

Frequent unplanned absences can hinder your organization’s productivity and bottom line. It delays projects and increases the work load for employees who are present, which affects both client and employee satisfaction. That’s why we have introduced the Bradford Score feature in our Leave Management module. It’s a popular absence management metric that can be very helpful for organizations that thrive on frequent deadlines by helping to reduce unscheduled absences.  The higher the Bradford score, the more disruptive an absence is. This gives you another tool to assess the impact of employee absenteeism and address any attendence issues. Detailed reports that provide the Bradford score of each employee can be accessed instantly by enabling this feature. Learn more about the Bradfore Score Feature here.

  • Improve turnaround time (TAT) for approvals

Are approvals taking longer time than they should? Is this delay impeding other important tasks? Our Approval TAT feature has the perfect solution to this common issue faced by many organizations. You can now define actions that have to be initiated if an approval is not completed within a given time frame. You can also define the number of days an approver has to respond to a request, and you can send these approvers automatic reminders. Learn how to improve the turnaround time for your organization’s approvals here. 

  • Allow users to view performance data

Performance management is vital for your organization to monitor and assess the impact of your employee’s performance. In some cases, users who are not involved in the performance review process also need access to performance data. That’s why we have introduced the Custom Admin feature. With this feature, users who are not involved in the review process can be given permission to access performance data and reports. For instance, a department head may not be involved in the performance review process, but they might need to access employee performance data and reports to see how their team is performing. In this case, the department head is the custom admin, and they can be given access to the performance data and reports. Learn more about the Custom Admin feature here.

  • Set up a frequency for importing time logs automatically

Zoho People’s integration with Zoho Projects will come in handy when you have to:

  • Import time logs, tasks, and projects from Zoho Projects to Zoho People or

  • Export approved entries from Zoho People to Zoho Projects

With our new enhancement, it’s even easier. Simply set up a frequency for importing time logs, tasks, and projects from Zoho Projects, and they’ll be imported automatically. For instance, if you set the frequency to 48 hours, the sync will be triggered automatically every 48 hours. Learn more about this feature here.

All these features and upgrades can go a long way towards making HR management easier and more effective in your organization. Give these features and updates a shot, and let us know your thoughts on them in the comments section below! Have questions? Write to us at support@zohopeople.com.


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