Analyse your Business Reports - Now in 9 Languages!

Besoin d'informations plus détaillées sur vos données Google Adwords?
Möchten Sie analysieren, wie sich Ihr Umsatz nach Produkten/Regionen entwickelt hat?
Mi chiedevo come stia andando ciascuna delle sue campagne di marketing?
Gostaria de acompanhar continuamente a métrica de desempenho dos seus colaboradores?
¿Necesita un análisis profundo de los indicadores de sus finanzas?

We humans usually tend to think and question in our native language. And then we convert those thoughts to the language we want to speak in. As a non-native speaker of English, I hear this advice quite often:

If you want to master English, think in English.

But asking everyone to change their way of thinking is not possible/fair. When it comes to using a product, how nice would it be to experience the UI not just in English but to have it in your own native language?

Whatever language you are asking your business questions in, Zoho Analytics now makes it a bit easier for you. Yes, Zoho Analytics’ UI is now available in 9 different languages – Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish.

If you are a speaker of any of the above languages and have your browser’s locale set to your native language, you will see the Zoho Analytics UI in that language. In case you have a different language setting in your browser, you can go to and change to your native language there.

Try Zoho Analytics in your own native language. Let us know how the experience was and what more languages you would like support for.

ps: The questions at the beginning of the post in English.

Need to drill down deep into your sales numbers?
Need insights into your Google Adwords data?
Want to analyze how your sales has performed for different products/regions?
Wondering how each of your marketing campaigns are faring?
Need to analyze your website traffic?
Like to continually track your employees' performance metrics?
Need an in depth analysis of your finance numbers?


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