Group API Details

The Group APIs help you to manage the Groups, members, member roles and individual settings and Group admin settings. 

While using Domain related API, use the OAuth scope organization.groups.

Purpose of MethodURLMethod TypeOAuth ScopePurpose
To get all groups in the organization/api/organization/<zoid>/groupsGETorganization.groupsGet the details of all the groups in the organization
To get the details of a particular group/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId> GETGet the details of one of the groups in the organization
To create a new group/api/organization/<zoid>/groupsPOSTCreate a new group with the specified settings
To enable Streams for a new group/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupIdPUTEnable Streams for a specific group
To add mail group members/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTAdd group members and define the respective roles
To change status of members/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<zgid>PUTChange the status of a member added to a group
To change member roles/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTChange the role of a member in a  group
To change member details/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<zgid>PUTChange the details of a member in a group
To delete the group members/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<zgid>DELETEDelete the individual members from a group
To update group name/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTUpdate the name of the group
To change general and text settings/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTUpdate the general and text settings of the group
To change admin settings/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTChange the administrator settings of the group
To get mails for moderation/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>/messagesGETGet the group emails that need to be moderated
To get moderated mail content/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>/messagesGETGet the content of the emails that have been moderated
To moderate mail/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTModerate the email
To add email alias/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTAdd the group email alias
To remove email alias/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>PUTRemove the group email alias
To delete a group/api/organization/<zoid>/groups/<groupId>DELETEDelete a group