Functions – An Overview

A business process is named as such because it requires a chain of events that are to be performed in a sequential order.

A good example would be that you cannot strike a deal without negotiations and no deal can proceed without sending or receiving quotations. We all know the typical business process to be "Lead Generation > Initial Contact > Qualification > Analysis > Proposal > Negotiation > Quotation Confirmation > Goods Transfer > Payment > Invoice generation".

However, most businesses do not follow the exact process. More often than not, it varies depending on the type of business that you have expertise in.




Zylker insurance company usually deals with insurance policies, contacts, claims, document management and so on. If they plan to use CRM for a more professional level of service, they would most likely have to create customized modules like Policies/Contracts, Claims or Service Request.

The native "Deals" module does not contain the stages that involve in this scenario. Hence the only solution is to look for other features that help to achieve the feet.




In this tutorial, you get to learn how to use the functions feature to customize your business process so that all of the necessary actions that are to be performed during each stage and transition between stages are automated.

With a dynamic, all encompassing feature like functions, the scenarios in which they could be implemented is countless. From cross-module data transfer to cross-application data transfer, you can perform any task/action that you require the CRM to do. You can send an email, trigger a webhook, send data to third-party apps, update the apps from your CRM, etc.




Zylker Corporation, is a company that provides parts and services to automobiles. They provide services like car washing, maintenance, re-painting, parts replacement, etc.

Hence, their business process involves leads (people who require vehicle maintenance), maintenance (deals) and parts replacement(if any). Some of the process require automation that the native features cannot provide. They require:

  • Round-Robin Lead Assignment

    Objective To assign mechanics available in the corporation to the customers that require maintenance, in a round robin manner. Each mechanic has a job card assigned to him with the details of the lead. 

  • Create Events automatically on specific days of the week 

    Objective To review and improve the customer satisfaction and resource management, Zylker Corporation needs to conduct a weekly face-to-face report of the proceedings in the week. To achieve that case, an event for a report meeting must be automatically created every week on a specified weekday.

  • Transfer record information from one module to another, based on specific criteria 

    Objective To transfer the information from Parts and Labor module to the Repair Bills module after the maintenance status has been changed to "Completed". Here mechanics are to change the status of the maintenance and the Bills will be automatically created based on the associated customer record.

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