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HTTP Methods
Create a Contact
Update a contact using a custom field's unique value
List Contacts
Update a Contact
Get Contact
Delete a Contact
Mark as Active
Mark as Inactive
Enable Portal Access
Enable Payment Reminders
Disable Payment Reminders
Email Statement
Get Statement Mail Content
Email Contact
List Comments
Add Additional Address
Get Contact Addresses
Edit Additional Address
Delete Additional Address
List Refunds
Track 1099
Untrack 1099
Contact Persons
Create a contact person
Update a contact person
Delete a contact person
List contact persons
Get a contact person
Mark as primary contact person
Create an Estimate
update an Estimate using a custom field's unique value
List estimates
Update an Estimate
Get an estimate
Delete an Estimate
Update custom field in existing estimates
Mark an estimate as sent
Mark an estimate as accepted
Mark an estimate as declined
Submit an estimate for approval
Approve an estimate.
Email an estimate
Get estimate email content
Email multiple estimates
Bulk export estimates
Bulk print estimates
Update billing address
Update shipping address
List estimate template
Update estimate template
Add Comments
List estimate comments & history
Update comment
Delete a comment
Sales Order
Create a sales order
Update a sales order using a custom field's unique value
List sales orders
Update a sales order
Get a sales order
Delete a sales order
Update custom field in existing salesorders
Mark a sales order as open
Mark a sales order as void
Update a sales order sub status
Email a sales order
Get sales order email content
Submit a sales order for approval
Approve a sales order.
Bulk export sales orders
Bulk print sales orders
Update billing address
Update shipping address
List sales order templates
Update sales order template
Add attachment to a sales order
Update attachment preference
Get a sales order attachment
Delete an attachment
Add comment
List sales order comments & history
Update comment
Delete a comment
Create an invoice
Update an invoice using a custom field's unique value
List invoices
Update an invoice
Get an invoice
Delete an invoice
Mark an invoice as sent
Void an invoice
Mark as draft
Email invoices
Create an instant invoice
Submit an invoice for approval
Approve an invoice.
Email an invoice
Get invoice email content
Remind Customer
Get payment reminder mail content
Bulk invoice reminder
Bulk export Invoices
Bulk print invoices
Disable payment reminder
Enable payment reminder
Write off invoice
Cancel write off
Update billing address
Update shipping address
List invoice templates
Update invoice template
List invoice payments
List credits applied
Apply credits
Delete a payment
Delete applied credit
Add attachment to an invoice
Update attachment preference
Get an invoice attachment
Delete an attachment
Delete the expense receipt
Update custom field in existing invoices
Add comment
List invoice comments & history
Update comment
Delete a comment
Generate payment link
Recurring Invoices
Create a Recurring Invoice
Update a recurring invoice using a custom field's unique value
List all Recurring Invoice
Update Recurring Invoice
Get a Recurring Invoice
Delete a Recurring Invoice
Stop a Recurring Invoice
Resume a Recurring Invoice
Update Recurring Invoice template
List Recurring Invoice History
Credit Notes
Create a credit note
Update a credit note using a custom field's unique value
List all Credit Notes
Update a credit note
Get a credit note
Delete a credit note
Email a credit note
Get email content
Void a Credit Note
Convert Credit Note to Draft.
Convert to Open
Submit a credit note for approval
Approve a credit note.
Email history
Update billing address
Update Shipping address
List credit note template
Update a credit note template
Credit to an invoice
List invoices credited
Delete invoices credited
Add a comment
List credit note comments & history
Delete a Comment
List credit note refunds
Refund credit note
List refunds of a credit note
Update credit note refund
Get credit note refund
Delete credit note refund
Customer Payments
Create a payment
Update a payment using a custom field's unique value
List Customer Payments
Update a payment
Retrieve a payment
Delete a payment
Refund an excess customer payment
List refunds of a customer payment
Update custom field in existing customerpayments
Update a refund
Details of a refund
Delete a Refund
Create an Expense
Update an expense using a custom field's unique value
List Expenses
Update an Expense
Get an Expense
Delete an Expense
List expense History & Comments
Create an employee
List employees
Get an employee
Delete an employee
Add receipt to an expense.
Get an expense receipt
Delete a receipt
Recurring Expenses
Create a recurring expense
Update an recurring expense using a custom field's unique value
List recurring expenses
Update a recurring expense
Get a recurring expense
Delete a recurring expense
Stop a recurring expense
Resume a recurring Expense
List child expenses created
List recurring expense history
Retainer Invoices
Create a retainerinvoice
List a retainer invoices
update a retainerinvoice
Get a retainer invoice
Delete a retainer invoice
Mark a retainer invoice as sent
Update retainer invoice template
Void a retainer invoice
Mark as draft
Submit a retainer invoice for approval
Approve a retainer invoice.
Email a retainer invoice
Get retainer invoice email content
Update billing address
List retainer invoice templates
Add attachment to a retainer invoice
Get a retainer invoice attachment
Delete an attachment
Add comment
List retainer invoice comments & history
Update comment
Delete a comment
Purchase Order
Create a purchase order
Update a purchase order using a custom field's unique value
List purchase orders
Update a purchase order
Get a purchase order
Delete purchase order
Update custom field in existing purchaseorders
Mark a purchase order as open
Mark as billed
Cancel a purchase order
Submit a purchase order for approval
Approve a purchase order
Email a purchase order
Get purchase order email content
Update billing address
List purchase order templates
Update purchase order template
Add attachment to a purchase order
Update attachment preference
Get a purchase order attachment
Delete an attachment
Add comment
List purchase order comments & history
Update comment
Delete a comment
Create a bill
Update a bill using a custom field's unique value
List bills
Update a bill
Get a bill
Delete a bill
Update custom field in existing bills
Void a bill
Mark a bill as open
Submit a bill for approval
Approve a bill
Update billing address
List bill payments
Apply credits
Delete a payment
Add attachment to a bill
Get a bill attachment
Delete an attachment
Add comment
List bill comments & history
Delete a comment
Convert PO to Bill
Recurring Bills
Create a recurring bill
Update a recurring bill using a custom field's unique value
List recurring bills
Update a recurring bill
Get a recurring bill
Delete a recurring bill
Stop a recurring bill
Resume a recurring Bill
List recurring bill history
Vendor Credits
Create a vendor credit
List vendor credits
Update vendor credit
Get vendor credit
Delete vendor credit
Convert to open
Void vendor credit
Submit a Vendor credit for approval
Approve a Vendor credit
Apply credits to a bill
List bills credited
Delete bills credited
Refund a vendor credit
List refunds of a vendor credit
Update vendor credit refund
Get vendor credit refund
Delete vendor credit refund
List vendor credit refunds
Add a comment
List vendor credit comments & history
Delete a comment
Vendor Payments
Create a vendor payment
Update an vendor payment using a custom field's unique value
List vendor payments
Update a vendor payment
Get a vendor payment
Delete a vendor payment
Refund an excess vendor payment
List refunds of a vendor payment
Update a refund
Details of a refund
Delete a refund
Custom Fields
Custom Modules
Create Custom Modules
Bulk Update Custom Module
Get Record List of a Custom Module
Delete Custom Modules
Update Custom Module
Get Individual Record Details
Delete individual records
Bank Accounts
Create a bank account
List view of accounts
Update bank account
Get account details
Delete an account
Deactivate account.
Activate account
Import a Bank/Credit Card Statement
Get last imported statement
Delete last imported statement
Bank Transactions
Create a transaction for an account
Get transactions list
Update a transaction
Get transaction
Delete a transaction
Match a transaction
Get matching transactions
Unmatch a matched transaction
Exclude a transaction
Restore a transaction
Categorize an uncategorized transaction
Categorize as expense
Uncategorize a categorized transaction
Categorize a vendor payment
Categorize as customer payment
Categorize as credit note refunds
Categorize as vendor credit refunds
Categorize as Customer Payment refund
Categorize as Vendor Payment refund
Bank Rules
Create a rule
Get Rules List
Update a rule
Get a rule
Delete a rule
Chart Of Accounts
Create an account
List chart of accounts
Update an account
Get an account
Delete an account
Mark an account as active
Mark an account as inactive
List of transactions for an account
Delete a transaction
Create a journal
Get journal list
Update a journal
Get journal
Delete a journal
Mark a journal as published
Add attachment to a journal
Add comment
Delete a comment
Base Currency Adjustment
Create a base currency adjustment
List base currency adjustment
Get a base currency adjustment
Delete a base currency adjustment
List account details for base currency adjustment
Create a project
Update a project using a custom field's unique value
List projects
Update project
Get a project
Delete project
Activate project
Inactivate a project
Clone project
Assign users
List Users
Invite user
Update user
Get a User
Delete user
Post comment
List comments
Delete comment
List invoices
Add a task
List tasks
Update a task
Get a task
Delete Task
Time Entries
Log time entries
List time entries.
Delete time entries
Update time entry
Get a time entry
Delete time entry
Start timer
Stop timer
Get timer
Create a user
List Users
Update a user
Get a user
Delete a user
Get current user
Invite a user
Mark user as active
Mark user as inactive
Create an Item
Update an item using a custom field's unique value
List items
Update an item
Get an item
Delete an item
Update custom field in existing items
Mark as active
Mark as inactive
Create a Currency
List Currencies
Update a Currency
Get a Currency
Delete a currency
Create an exchange rate
List exchange rates
Update an exchange rate
Get an exchange rate.
Delete an exchage rate
Create a tax
List taxes
Update a tax
Get a tax
Delete a tax
Update a tax group
Get a tax group
Delete a tax group
Create a tax group
Create a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
List tax authorities [US Edition only]
Update a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
Get a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
Delete a tax authority [US and CA Edition only]
Create a tax exemption [US Edition only]
List tax exemptions [US Edition only]
Update a tax exemption [US Edition only]
Get a tax exemption [US Edition only]
Delete a tax exemption [US Edition only]
Opening Balance
Create opening balance
Update opening balance
Get opening balance
Delete opening balance
ZOHO CRM Integration
Import a customer using the CRM account ID
Import a customer using CRM contact ID
Import a vendor using the CRM vendor ID
Custom Fields
In Zoho books, you can provide values for custom fields during the entity creation.