Less Noise; More Signal - Get Focused Responses Using Zoho Survey

Since Zoho Survey’s launch, we have been working on bringing out features based on the many suggestions and comments from users to give them more control for collecting responses. Now, a month later, we happily announce three new features that will help you get focused responses to your surveys.

Update submitted responses at any time

Every online user has a limited attention time span. So if your survey is lengthy with a few essay questions thrown in, it needs to be given much time and thought. Then it might just call for some breathing time in between the survey for your participants.

prevent multiple responsesThe good news is that your participants can not only pause and come back later to complete the survey, but also update their responses at any time even after submitting the survey.

Blank fields are not of much help to you. So by allowing respondents to alter their conclusions later, they are more likely to give you focused answers rather than vague responses. For instance, if you had asked for the warranty period of the product that the participants are currently using and if they were not sure about it at the time of submission, they can always go back to the question and update the field.

Address selective audience using passwords
Want only invitees to take part in your survey? The publish tab will enlist the restrictions you can set for your survey before it is set to be published.

password protectYou now have the option to password-protect your surveys which participants can access only by authorizing themselves with a password.

Set minimum choices for multiple choice questions
With this feature, you can set a minimal limit to how many choices the survey participants have to select for a multiple choice question. For instance, you have listed five options and you want your participants to pick a minimum of two choices out of the five.

It is a good addition if you do not need a ranking of the choices, but just an indicative selection by the participant, perhaps the best or worst choices according to them. Well, this option features for all multiple choice questions so that you can have more control with the answers you want to receive when selecting this question type.

We’ve introduced these features to help you do more with Zoho Survey. Tell us what you think!


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