
How do I add additional information about my items and display it in transaction PDFs?

You can add additional details about an item by creating a custom field to store the additional information that is unique to your business. Here’s how:

  • Go to Settings in the top right corner of the page.
  • Click Items under Items.
  • Go to the Field Customisation tab.
  • Click + New Custom Field in the top right corner of the page.
  • On the New Custom Field page:
    • Enter a name for the custom field in the Label Name field.
    • Select the data type in the Data Type dropdown.
    • Select Yes for Show when creating transactions.
    • Select Yes for Show in All PDFs.
    • Click Save.

The custom field will be added as a column in the Item Table section of transactions. If you enter any value in the custom field, it will be displayed in the transaction PDFs.

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