Performance Reports

Here is a detailed look at all the reports that are part of Performance in Zoho People.

To access the various performance reports, navigate to Reports on the bottom left corner of your screen and go to the Organization Reports tab.

  1. Goals
  2. Employee skill sets
  3. Feedback on employee
  4. Continuous Review Score
  5. Appraisal status
  6. Appraisal ratings
  7. Appraisal score
  8. Salary hike status
  9. Nine-box matrix
  10. Feedback on appraisal
  11. Appraisal ratings history


This report is three-fold. It displays Goals, Goals status, and Employees with no Goals.

Under Goals, it lists details of all employees' goals in your organization including the due date, progress and priority.

To get a focused view the Goals status a particular employee,

  1. Select Goals status in the drop-down.
  2. Click on the filter.
  3. Select the employee from the filter and hit Search.

To view the list of employees without any goals associated to them, select Employees with no Goals.

Employee skill sets

This report helps you view the various skill sets of an employee.


To view the growth of a particular skill set of that employee, click on that skill set.

Let us consider this case. The reporting managers would like to see the list of employees in the organization who are proficient in a particular skill set. This is possible by making use of this report.

When reporting managers have access to the entire organization's skill set, it is easier for them to know the count. To enable this, follow the steps given below.

  1. From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > General Settings.
  2. Go to Skill Set Matrix (Organisation View).
  3. Under Choose role(s) for access, select Manager.
  4. Click Submit.

Now, all users who are in the role of a Manager can view the skill set matrix across the organization.

To view employee who have no skill sets tagged to them, select Employees with no Skill Set from the drop-down.

Skill Set reports can be exported in three ways by clicking the Export option.

  • Skill Sets - contains the name of the employee, name of the skill, latest upgrade with time, corresponding weightage and score.
  • Skill Sets with upgrade summary - contains the name of the employee, name of the skill, all the upgrades with time, corresponding weightage and score given for each.
  • Skill sets with domain - contains the name of the employee, skill name, upgraded time, weightage, level and domain.
  • Employee Potential - contains the name of the employee, employee potential level and percentage.

Feedback on employee

This report is two fold: Feedback and Feedback count.

Feedback displays the details of feedback given - the category, actual comments shared and by whom it was given.


Feedback count report displays the count of all the feedback types received by each employee. 

To view the feedback received by a specific employee,

  1. Go to the filter.
  2. Select the specific Employee.
  3. Click Search.

Click on each employee to view the comments they have received.

Both the feedback report along with the comments can be exported.


Appraisal status

Appraisal status shows the status of the various reviews that are part of the current appraisal cycle. The number of completed, pending reviews, number of approved and rejected reviews are displayed here.

By default, the chart view is displayed. The chart view provides a quick overview representation of the various reviews, along with various counts such as of completed, pending, approved, and rejected review counts.

To view the appraisal status of a different cycle, click on the filter icon, and choose a particular appraisal cycle from the drop-down menu.

However, if you would prefer a list view, which displays the status of the various reviews for all your reportees, you can use the list view option.

To switch between specific review processes, select the process you want to view from the drop-down.

Furthermore, if you would like to dive deeper into the review status, see who the reviewer was, the multi-raters, the feedback status, including details of the levels of reviewers, the hike appraiser, approval status, and so on simply select a particular employee to take a look.

Using the provided filter option, it is also possible to view the appraisal review status of a particular employee

Appraisal ratings

This report lists rating details resulting out of appraisals.

In some cases, you might have the need to see the list of employees who fall under a particular rating (For eg - 'Needs Improvement') to assess training needs etc. In this case, this report can be very useful.

By making use of the filter, you can view data sorted out based on locations, appraisal cycles, range of experience, rating etc.

You can also export appraisal data to an external source by clicking on the ellipsis icon > Export.

Appraisal score

This report comprises of scores from only the modules that were included in the appraisal cycle along with the rating and final score. 

In the case displayed below, KRA vs goals scores, competency, the received rating, and the final score of the appraisal cycle are all displayed here.

Use the filter icon to select a different appraisal cycle, module, or employee of choice. To export reports use the ellipses icon and select the Export option. The export option includes the currently displayed report as it is shown in the screen.
To customize export option or to specifically include review scores of self, multi-rater review, or to choose any particular review type use the Export Summary option.

Nine-box matrix

Employee Potential can be defined as the qualities that an individual has to effectively perform and contribute to the growth of the organization. Employee Performance is defined as how an employee fulfills their job duties and executes their required tasks. A combination of performance and potential places employees on one of the nine boxes in this nine box matrix.

As an HR, it is useful to have a list of consistent performers in order to do succession planning. This reports gives a complete view of employees' potential and performance plotted against the nine matrices.


If you want to interchange the position of the performance assessment and potential assessment axes, click Swap and then Save.

Click on the specific box to see the list of employees who fall under the specified category, as shown in the image below.

The names of each box can be customized as per the needs of your organization.

To change the names, go to Performance > Settings > General Settings > Nine-box matrix - edit categories.

Feedback on appraisal

This report displays the feedback that employees have given on their performance review cycle. This also gives insight into the employee's experience in the appraisal cycle.

To view the feedback given by employees of a particular appraisal cycle, select the appraisal under the filter.

Appraisal ratings history

This report shows the complete rating details of individual users of your organization. In order to measure performance, it is important to observe the growth of an employee. This report helps you achieve this.

 If you would like to see the growth chart of a particular employee, select the name of the employee from the drop-down.