DELETE - Delete User Account


The API is used to delete a user's account. Any user account that is a part of an organization can be deleted using this API.



Request URL 

https://<hostname>/api/organization/accounts/<accountid>?zuid=<zuid> (or) https://<hostname>/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>?zuid=<zuid>

Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
zoidIntegerThe unique Zoho identifer used for the organization
zuid*IntegerThe unique Zoho Identifier for the specific user 
accountid*IntegerThe unique identifier assigned for a particular account

* - Mandatory parameters

Request Body (JSON Object)

ParameterData TypeAllowed ValuesDescription
password String 

Password of the admin account 

 The password of the admin account from which the user account is being deleted if it is an org account.

* - Mandatory parameters

Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Request

CopiedSample URL: 50000005

Sample Request Body:

"password": "**********"