GET - All Org Users Details


The API retrieves all the user's details for the specified Organization Id when requested by the admin of the organization. 

 Request URL




 Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
zoid*Integerzoid - The unique Zoho Organization Identified for the organization 
limitIntegerlimit - Used to get the user details in batches.
Specify the number of users for whom the user details need to be retrieved. By default, the limit is 10. 
startIntegerstart - Used to get the user details of in batches. 
Specify the order number from which the data retrieval should start. Works better when used with limit parameter. By default, the start value is 0. 

* - Mandatory parameter

 Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Response

   "status": {
      "code": 200,
      "description": "success"
   "data": [
         "URI": "",
         "displayName": "Hermes Mercury",
         "zuid": 841001,
         "role": "member",
         "address": {
            "streetAddr": "1, Solar System St",
            "city": "Milky Way Galaxy Ave",
            "postalCode": "11001",
            "state": "Virgo Super Cluster",
            "country": "Laniakea",
            "phone": "111 011 01111",
            "mobile": "111 111 11111"
         "accountId": 600000000001,
         "accountName": "Solar System",
         "incomingUserName": "",
         "tfaEnabled": false,
         "type": "ZOHO_ACCOUNT",
         "sequence": 1,
         "sendMailDetails": [
               "sendMailID": 60000000000001,
               "fromAddress": "",
               "status": true,
               "mode": "mailbox",
               "displayName": "Hermes Mercury",
               "serverName": "",
               "serverPort": 9225,
               "userName": "",
               "password": "planet@1",
               "validated": true,
               "connectionType": "plain",
               "validationRequired": true
         "popAccessEnabled": true,
         "allowedStorage": 15728640,
         "usedStorage": 2048000,
         "imapAccessEnabled": true,
         "outgoingBlocked": false,
         "incomingBlocked": false,
         "spamCheckEnabled": true,
         "activeSyncEnabled": true,
         "policyId": {
            "1000000000299": "Zoho Mail Business Policy"
         "primaryEmailAddress": "",
         "emailAddress": [
               "isPrimary": false,
               "isConfirmed": true,
               "mailId": "",
               "isAlias": false
         "accountEnabled": true