PUT - To Enable User


The API can be used by the admin to enable a user account. 

 Request URL 


 Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
zoid* IntegerUnique identifier of your organization in Zoho
accountid* IntegerUnique ID of the account of the user you wish to enable

* - Mandatory parameters

  Request Body (JSON Object)

ParameterData TypeAllowed ValuesDescription
mode* String  enableUser To enable a user account in the organization.
zuid*LongUser's ZuidUnique ID of a user in Zoho.
password*StringAdmin PasswordThe password of your Admin account.
unblockIncoming Boolean True/FalseBy giving true, you unblock all incoming emails of a user

* - Mandatory parameters

 Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes

Also, refer to Users API for more user options.

Sample Request
