PUT - Remove Email Aliases from User Account


The API is used to remove the email alias for a user in the organization.

Request URL


Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
zoid*Integerzoid - The unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization
accountid*IntegerAccount Id of the user whose email alias should be removed using this API

* - Mandatory parameters

Request Body (JSON Object)

ParameterData TypeAllowed ValuesDescription
mode*StringdeleteEmailAliasTo remove the list of email aliases from a user's account in the organization.
emailAliases*StringList of the domain based email aliases for the userProvide the email aliases which should be removed from the account specified.

* - Mandatory parameters

Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Request

   "zuid": "1111111",
   "mode": "deleteEmailAlias",
   "emailAlias": [