GET - Single User Details


The API retrieves all the user details for the specified zoid, when requested by the admin of the organization. 

 Request URL




 Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
zoid*Integerzoid - The unique Zoho Organization Identified for the organization 
accountid*Integer The Account Identifier for the specific account of the particular user
zuid*IntegerThe unique Zoho User Identifier for the user in the organization

* - Mandatory parameter

 Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Response

   "status": {
      "code": 200,
      "description": "success"
   "data": [
         "URI": "",
         "displayName": "Hermes Mercury",
         "zuid": 841001,
         "role": "member",
         "address": {
            "streetAddr": "1, Solar System St",
            "city": "Milky Way Galaxy Ave",
            "postalCode": "11001",
            "state": "Virgo Super Cluster",
            "country": "Laniakea",
            "phone": "111 011 01111",
            "mobile": "111 111 11111"
         "accountId": 600000000001,
         "accountName": "Solar System",
         "incomingUserName": "",
         "tfaEnabled": false,
         "type": "ZOHO_ACCOUNT",
         "sequence": 1,
         "sendMailDetails": [
               "sendMailID": 60000000000001,
               "fromAddress": "",
               "status": true,
               "mode": "mailbox",
               "displayName": "Hermes Mercury",
               "serverName": "",
               "serverPort": 9225,
               "userName": "",
               "password": "planet@1",
               "validated": true,
               "connectionType": "plain",
               "validationRequired": true
         "popAccessEnabled": true,
         "allowedStorage": 15728640,
         "usedStorage": 2048000,
         "imapAccessEnabled": true,
         "outgoingBlocked": false,
         "incomingBlocked": false,
         "spamCheckEnabled": true,
         "activeSyncEnabled": true,
         "policyId": {
            "1000000000299": "Zoho Mail Business Policy"
         "primaryEmailAddress": "",
         "emailAddress": [
               "isPrimary": false,
               "isConfirmed": true,
               "mailId": "",
               "isAlias": false
         "accountEnabled": true