Children’s Day Celebrations

For the non-Indians reading this post, a short primer. India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, was very fond of children and they affectionately called him ‘Chacha (Uncle) Nehru’. So Nov 14 his birthday, is celebrated as the Children’s Day every year in honor of him.

AdventNet is a young company and the average age is around 25. We have a lot many folks just into their 30s who have married recently & have kids (that includes me ;-)). And remember, AdventNet also funds the site named Jambav targeting children of all abilities and their parents.

So, with this background, hope you all can see how well Children’s day would have been celebrated. We chose Nov 18 (a bit late but then it was the nearest weekend) as the day to celebrate this year’s day with the kids.

There were fancy dress competitions, dances, song recitals, mimicries and much more. And the highlight of the evening was the amazing performance given by the kid drummer, Siddharth. He is a prodigy of sorts, having already won many an accolade not only in India but across the world. He is just a fourth grader and he had the crowd on their feet. Just watch him perform below.

Update : WordPress isn’t accepting the YouTube code to be embedded here. To see Siddharth’s performance, click here. (turn your speakers on)
Some snaps from the evening, of course as a slideshow in Zoho Show 😉

As you can see from the snaps, we parents had lots of fun too! Looking forward to next year’s celebs already.


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