Support for NoSQL databases and other handy new features from Zoho Analytics

No SQLCoined by Huseeb Budhani in 2008, “Big Data” has been a big deal for a few years now. Most traditional database systems manage only regular-sized structured databases, and find it difficult to manage the incredible volumes of big data being generated today. To help with this, a number of experimental new “NoSQL” database systems have come into the picture. By making some tradeoffs, NoSQL databases can easily scale to much larger sizes than their more traditional cousins.

To help you analyze the huge volume of raw business data stored in NoSQL databases, Zoho Analytics now fully supports analysis and reporting over data in NoSQL databases. You can now use the advanced reporting options offered by Zoho Analytics with these NoSQL database systems:

  • MongoDB
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Apache Hadoop/Hive
  • Cloudera Hadoop/Hive
  • Hortonworks Hadoop/Hive

But don’t worry. None of this means we’ve forgotten proven SQL databases. In fact we’ve also added support for more of those: Teradata, Informix, HP Vertica, Ingres, SQL Anywhere, Derby, H2, and more.

You can use our standalone Upload Tool utility to connect to any of the above databases, and have the data uploaded and analyzed in Zoho Analytics.

We’ve also added a handful of other useful new features to Zoho Analytics recently.

Multi-column support for pie/funnel charts
Until now, you could only plot data from a single column for pie and funnel charts. Now you can use data from multiple columns.

Customize data labels
You now have the option to choose either the percentage or the actual value for the data label in pie and funnel charts. You can also choose to remove the data label entirely. This option is available in the Settings menu from pie and funnel charts.

Enhanced dashboard user filters
Until now, only data from charts, pivot tables and summary views could be filtered. But now, tables, query tables and tabular views included in the dashboard can also be filtered.

Manage account usage with email alerts
Now you can proactively manage your plan usage and upgrades with new account usage notifications. This feature lets you configure alerts to be sent to your email, whenever your account usage crosses the threshold you have set for rows and users.

We hope you find these new features useful. You can keep track of all the latest updates in Zoho Analytics by visiting our ‘What’s New’ page.


2 Replies to Support for NoSQL databases and other handy new features from Zoho Analytics

  1. Jim: Yes. It is possible. While sharing a view to a particular person, you can specify your filter criteria in the "filter criteria" tab(numbered 3) on the top of the box. Filter Criteria allows you to share reports with an associated criteria. The specified criteria will be applied on the reports shared, there by filtering the data viewed, when its accessed by the shared user. You can find the format for specifying the filter criteria in the same tab.

  2. We have a need to provide sales data in report form to our road warriors (5). The data table contains info for all 5 salesmen. Can we filter on the User (login) so that only data for that User is displayed on the report? Thanks, Jim

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