Generate Access Token

Create Self Client

  1. Go to Click GET STARTED.

  2. Client Types will be displayed. Click CREATE NOW against Self Client.

  3. Click CREATE.

  4. Click OK on the confirmation pop-up.

  5. The Client ID and Client Secret are readily generated as soon as the Self Client is created.

  6. The Client ID and Client Secret can be copied using the icons against the respective entities.

Generate code

  1. Click Generate Code. Type the Scope as "", choose a duration, provide a description and click CREATE.

  2. The Code is generated for the corresponding Scope.

  3. The Code can be copied by clicking COPY.

  4. The parameters required for generating the Access Token can be generated as a JSON file also.

    Click DOWNLOAD on the pop-up that appears. The params are downloaded by default as "self_client.json" which can be used to initiate the request later on.

Request URL


Request Method




Parameters to be passed in the request body as form-data along with the request URL are,

Parameter NameDescription
client_id *The Client ID that is generated on creating the self-client.
client_secret *The Client Secret that is generated on creating the self-client.
grant_type *authorization_code
redirect_uri *
code *The code that is generated for the client for a given OAuth scope (say
Note: fields marked * are mandatory.

Response Type



API Limits

Zoho Bookings Plan/EditionNumber of API calls/day
Free250/per user
Basic1000/per user
Premium3000/per user
Zoho One3000/per user
Note: The API limits are excluding the authorization requests. API counts are calculated between 00:00 and 23:59 hours in the respective time zones.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl --location --request '' \
--form 'client_id=1000.3FOH1GTXXXXXXXXXXXXXKZ4YY7XJ3GH' \
--form 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ 
--form 'client_secret=d8ac6ceb5bXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX68c84dcc3e5a3e' \
--form 'redirect_uri=' \
--form 'code=1000.981b7845045XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX48e.d92796c8454fa00a8296178c944515f3'

Sample Response
