Client - Setup OAuth with Zoho

You must register your application at the Zoho API Console to receive your Client ID and Client Secret.

  • Client ID is a unique identifier you receive when you register your application with Zoho.
  • Client Secret is a unique key generated when you register your application with Zoho. This must be kept confidential.
  • Authorized redirect URI is a URI endpoint for client-based applications to which Zoho Accounts has to redirect the user-agent with the access token after authorizing the client.
  • Client Type is the type of application you develop. Client type includes Client-based applications, Server-based applications, Mobile-based applications, Non-browser applications, and Self Client.
Note: The authorization code is valid only for two minutes and can be used only once.

To register your application

  1. Go to Zoho API Console and click GET STARTED.
  2. Hover over your application's client type and click CREATE NOW.
  3. Enter the Client Name, Homepage URL, and Authorized redirect URI. If you select client-based applications, you need to enter the JavaScript Domain URI.
  4. Click CREATE.

Self Client

If your application doesn't have a domain or redirect URL, you can select Self Client to generate authorization code. The authorization code is used to create an access token and a refresh token.

To create a self client:

  1. Go to Zoho API Console and click GET STARTED.
  2. Hover over the Self Client and click CREATE NOW, then click OK.
  3. You will receive the client credentials such as Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. You can generate authorization code by filling valid scope details and setting the time duration under Generate Code.