Zoho CRM Case Studies in Marketing and Distribution Industries

Aviation, Business Services, Technology, Financial Services, FMCG, Wealth Management … this is just the beginning of the list. Zoho CRM is used successfully in diverse industries. Today, it’s the story of how Zoho CRM helps to Build, Maintain and Strengthen Customer Relationships in the Marketing and the Distribution industries. Here are the stories right off our customer’s mouths.

T3 Direct, a direct and telemarketing company, had previously been using disparate systems to manage their contact database, collaboration and sales activities. With multiple systems to update, sales executives were finding it difficult to keep track of all their data resulting in a total chaos!

Zoho CRM was the answer to all their chaos and the results they achieved after switching to Zoho are increased revenue, lower costs, and lower risks. According to Jonathan Mason, Director of Marketing, T3 Direct:

 We get an eagle’s eye view of all our clients’ activities and can
determine which leads are most costly to generate, which campaigns are
the most productive and profitable and can provide amazing real-time
statistics on our clients’ market demographics.

Read the complete story here. T3 Direct also has a video on their usage of Zoho CRM.

How is Zoho CRM implemented in the Distribution Industry? Teco Pneumatic, Inc. tells you.

 Zoho CRM is better than their competition and 75% less expensive. Our
adoption has increased by 300% and the migration executed by ViWo* was
flawless.” says Karl Anderson, President of Teco Pneumatic, Inc.

TECO, a full line supplier of fluid and motion control products, needed a seamless solution to communicate and register activities with customers. Zoho CRM integrated with GMail provided them the solution that they were looking for. For TECO’s staff, customer information is now at their fingertips and can provide better service to their customers.

There are some more benefits that TECO is enjoying after switching to Zoho CRM with GMail. Read about them here.

If you have a story to tell us, let us know. We are on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn too !

* About ViWo:

Virus Woman Inc. (ViWo) is the premier Information Technology service provider operating as a contractor and subcontractor. VoWo is a Zoho Alliance Partner Program member, and implemented Zoho CRM for TECO Pneumatic, Inc.


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