Hit the ground running

From a simple 10-step workflow, like the one below, to a complex one involving multiple subflows for each step, you can build it all using Orchestly.

If you look at this process, you'll see that multiple teams are involved. The marketing strategy will be taken care of by the marketing team. The product development will typically be done by a team of UI/UX designers, developers, and testers. And the product launch will be done by the product management team. After that, the sales and business development teams will work on taking the product to customers.

In Orchestly, you can bring them all together for one seamless product development process.

So what are the benefits of using Orchestly?

  • What


  • Prevent confusion;have every task at your fingertips

    Access every detail—like assignee, due date, and current status—through the jobs page.

  • Eliminate delays;deliver on time

    Escalate or send notifications and emails intuitively, and send SMS notifications using web hooks.

  • Facilitate collaboration;focus on the big picture

    Use assignees to assign tasks manually or based on certain criteria. View progress and detailed information using job details and activities.

  • Improve your process;accelerate growth

    Use detailed custom reports to identify problems, eliminate bottlenecks, and drive efficiency.

  • Streamline your process;race through milestones

    Set up as complex a blueprint as you want with multiple stages, and parallel or common transitions.