Digitize your process workflows
Create forms onlineCreate forms online

Create forms online

Customize your forms to collect important process data. Add sections and fields, edit and reorder default fields, or create new ones, like text, numeric, or drop-down, to make it easier to capture all your relevant data.

Digitize your offline processes

Break down your process into detailed stages, however simple or complex they are. Just drag and drop to create them in our intuitive process builder, and test them with the process validation feature.

Digitize your offline processes
Establish process owners

Establish process owners

Content publishing may involve many teams, but marketing is ultimately responsible for the project. And while IT and Finance have roles in onboarding, HR is the team that should be in charge of the overall process. Orchestly lets you specify owners for each of your processes, to keep the right people accountable.

Define responsibilities

Ensure accountability by determining who's responsible for each stage. Whether individuals, roles, or teams, everyone will know exactly what they need to do.

Define responsibilities
Get input in real time

Get input in real time

When submitting a press release for approval, you need to attach a draft. When rejecting a proposal, you have to give your reasons. Get files, feedback, and any other data you require as you need it—during the process.

Leverage automation

Help employees focus on company objectives by leveraging Orchestly's advanced capabilities to automate actions and decisions that don't require human input.

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Leverage automation