Email Sending API


The API is used to send transactional emails.

Request URL

Authorization token

You need to add send mail token to authenticate your API requests. This is a unique token that you can generate within your Mail Agent in your ZeptoMail account. Use the send mail token as a header when you call ZeptoMail REST Email Sending API.


POST /v1.1/email

Query String:

Method: POST
Authorization: zoho-enczapikey <space> <send mail token>

Steps to generate Send mail token:

  1. Navigate to the Mail Agents tab on the left panel of your ZeptoMail account and select a Mail Agent that you want to connect to your application.
  2. On the top right section, click on Setup Info (gear icon). This will open the Setup Details page.
  3. From here you can copy your Mail Agent specific send mail token under the API tab.
  4. You can use the default Send Mail Token or generate a new one.

Mail Agents >> SMTP & API Info >> Send Mail Token >> Click to copy icon

Request Body

* - Mandatory parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription

The email address to which bounced emails will be sent.

Allowed value - A valid bounce email address as configured in your Mail Agent.

from*JSON object

Allowed value - A valid sender email address with "address" and "name" key-value pairs.


A valid email address containing a domain that is verified in your Mail Agent.


Sender's name.

to*JSON arrayAllowed value - JSON object of email_address.
         email_addressJSON object

A valid recipient email address with "address" and "name" key-value pairs.


Recipient's email address field.


Recipient's name.

reply_toJSON array

Allowed value - JSON object of reply_to email addresses.


The email address to which the recipient's email responses will be addressed.

Allowed value - A valid email address containing a domain that is verified in your Mail Agent.


Name for the reply-to parameter.


The subject of the email to be sent.

textbody / htmlbodyString

This is the body content for your email.

Allowed value

Your email body can either be a textbody or a htmlbody.

ccJSON array

Email addresses of cc'd recipients.

Allowed value - JSON object of email_address.

bccJSON array

Email addresses of bcc'd recipients.

Allowed value - JSON object of email_address.


You can enable or disable email click tracking here.

You can also enable email click tracking in your Mail Agent under Email Tracking section.

Note: The API setting will override the Mail Agent settings in your ZeptoMail account. 

Allowed value 

True - Enable email click tracking.

False - Disable email click tracking.


You can enable or disable email open tracking. 

You can also enable email open tracking in your Mail Agent under Email Tracking section.

Note: The API setting will override the Mail Agent settings in your ZeptoMail account. 

Allowed value 

True - Enable email open tracking.

False - Disable email open tracking.


An identifier set by the user to track a particular transaction.

mime_headersJSON object

The additional headers to be sent in the email for your reference purposes.

attachmentsJSON array

The attachments you want to add to your transactional emails. Click here to view the list of unsupported formats. 

Allowed value - JSON object of attachments. 

 It can either be a base64 encoded content or file_cache_key or both.


The content of your attachment.

Allowed value - Base64 encoded value of a file.


Indicates the content type in your attachment. 

Allowed value 

 simple text message - plain / text  

image file - image / jpg


The file name of your attachment.


The unique key for your attached files in a Mail Agent.

Obtain file_cache_key from the File Cache section in your Mail Agent.


The file name of your attachment as in the File Cache section in your Mail Agent.

Obtain file name from the File Cache section in your Mail Agent. 

inline_imagesJSON array

This is the Inline image added to your email. 

Allowed value
It can either be a base64 encoded content or a file_cache_key or both. 

The base64 content contains mime_type, content and cid parameters.


the content id used by html body for content lookup. Each content should be given a separate cid value. 

Allowed value

It can either a base64 encoded content or a file_cache_key or both.

Success Response Parameters 

ParameterData TypeDescription
dataJSON arrayIt consists of code, additional_info and message parameters
codeStringThe code corresponding to a success response
additional_infoJSON arrayProvides additional information about the action performed in the request
messageStringThe action taken for this request
messageStringThe status of the request made
request_idStringA unique id which is generated for every request
objectEmailIt signifies that the response is for email API

Failure Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
errorJSON objectIt consists of code, details, message, and request_id parameters
codeStringThe code corresponding to the status of the request made
detailsJSON arrayIt consists of code, message and target parameters
codeStringThe code for the error found
messageStringReason for the error
targetStringThe field that caused the error
messageStringThe status of the request made
request_idStringA unique id which is generated for every request

HTTP status codes

Status code



Action needed at the user end to fix the error.



Action needed at ZeptoMail server to fix the error.

Error Codes


Before you get started it is important to know that ZeptoMail is for sending transactional emails like welcome emailers, password resets emails, OTPs. We do not support sending of bulk emails or promotional emails like newsletters or marketing campaign emails. If you are looking for a bulk email provider, you can visit Zoho Campaigns.

Curl Request details

Copiedcurl "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-enczapikey ***" \
-d '{
	"from": { "address": "",  "name": "Paula"},
	"to": [{"email_address": {"address": "","name": "Rudra"}}],
	"subject":"Account Confirmation",
	"htmlbody":"<div><b> Kindly click on Verify Account to confirm your account </b></div>"