Everyone on the same Page
Easily track suggestions and revisions for seamless collaboration.

Build together
Create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with your team in real time.

Monitor collaboration
See when collaborators are viewing a file. The live cursor tagged with their name will appear on the content or cells as they navigate.

Share without sending emails
Directly invite collaborators and assign them appropriate access levels. Collaborators can perform actions based on their permissions.

Post contextual comments
Highlight specific portions of your content or cells to facilitate contextual commenting and discussions.

Tag to engage your collaborators
Tag collaborators in the comments to send them email notifications so they're always in the loop.
Stay in control
Maintain control over your documents—even when you invite collaborators

Lock your work
Lock selected portions of your document that you don't want edited or modified. You can also lock specific slides within a presentation.

Track changes
Effortlessly track every edit made to your document by every collaborator.

Accept or reject changes
Choose to accept or reject every suggestion made. This way, you can still be in control of your work.

Access audit trails
Get a holistic view of every edit made to your cells using the Log Report in Sheet.

Manage versions
Save multiple versions of a file without saving copies. You can compare versions and revert to previous versions.
Publish your work
Share your work with the world, effortlessly.

Create fillable forms
Design smart fillable forms to distribute as questionnaires, feedback requests, and more. You can even add fillable fields to PDFs.

Make it public
Publish your files to make them visible to everyone in your organization and beyond.

Maintain control
Allow or restrict file exports while publishing, and undo publishing whenever you want.

Embed in websites and blogs
Using embed codes and various customization options, embed your sheets and presentations in your blogs, forums, and websites.

Broadcast your presentation
Deliver your presentation remotely to audiences anywhere in the world with Show. Encourage questions and meaningful discussions in the chat panel. Share the stage with co-presenters.
Smart assistant, Zia
Our AI-powered assistant works hard to make your job easy.
Zia is trained to improve your writing by providing grammar suggestions, readability scores, and writing quality checks.
Data visualization
Zia automatically creates charts, builds pivot tables, and answers your data-related questions, so you can focus on thoughtful analysis.

Your work, saved to cloud
Take your work with you, no matter where you go.
Never worry about losing your work! Our apps routinely auto-save your files, so you can always start from where you left off.
Access from anywhere
Work on your files anytime you want, from any location and any device.

Enhance your experience with integrations and compatibility tools
Writer and Zoho Sign
By integrating Zoho Sign with Writer, draft important agreements and contracts and send out for signatures directly from the app.
Live link data from Sheet to Writer or Show
Live link your sheet to your Writer document or your Show presentation. Changes made to your sheet, will be automatically reflected in your presentations.
WordPress for Writer
Post your blogs directly to WordPress from within Writer. All your images and formats are preserved.
Humaaans for Show
Create beautiful illustrations of people that reflect your brand's core identity.
Compatibility check
All your text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations are compatible with MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint respectively.
Export in various formats
Export files in a variety of formats to meet your needs and preferences.