Using Custom Payload to Add Rich Text Responses

The responses you feed your bot to assist the visitor's query need not be text all the time, you can add rich text too ie., image, select option, slider, links etc,. You can add them to the Dialogflow responses using the pre-defined SalesIQ script for each action.

SalesIQ Platforms offer various Input and Display Cards to procure inputs and show output to the visitors. You can add upto 10 sequential responses for every question. All of these responses will be displayed but only the final input/display card that you have mentioned in the custom payload will be executed. So, we recommend you to restrict it to one card per response. You can add more than one for text messages. Learn more

Note: It is mandatory to add a response for every custom payload included.

To add them in Dialogflow Responses:

  • Navigate to Dialogflow dashboard > Intent > Responses.
  • Click Add Response. A drop down appears, choose Custom Payload.
  • In this section, feed the action you wish to perform as a response (For example: If you wish to add Happiness Rating option as a response, you copy-paste the script in the box.)
  • You can also set an intent as the end of a conversation using the Toggle button at the bottom.