
This API is used to send events to the SDK for several returning callbacks.



This event allows you to open a URL when invoked. When using this event followed by a URL, this will open the mentioned URL.

values: [url]


This event will complete the chat action as a success or failure with or without a message.

values: [String actionUUID, bool success, String message]


Syntax (openUrl)

CopiedZohoSalesIQ.sendEvent(SIQSendEvent eventName, List<Object> values);


  • eventName: the event name of the action to be done.
  • Values: It's a dynamic number of parameter values that need to be passed with respect to the event.

Example (openUrl)

CopiedZohoSalesIQ.chatEventChannel.listen((event) {
        switch (event["eventName"]) {
            case SIQEvent.handleURL:
                    if (!event["url"].startsWith("https://zylkerhomes.com")) {
                            ZohoSalesIQ.sendEvent(SIQSendEvent.openUrl, [event["url"]]);
                    } else {
                            // Handled by self

The above example code opens the url only when the url doesn't starts with "https://zylkerhomes.com".

Refer - SIQEvent.handleURL in eventChannel() url click callbacks.

Example (completeChatAction)

CopiedZohoSalesIQ.chatEventChannel.listen((event) {
        switch (event["eventName"]) {
                case SIQEvent.performChatAction:
                        var actionDetails = event["chatAction"];
                        ZohoSalesIQ.sendEvent(SIQSendEvent.completeChatAction, [actionDetails["actionUUID"], true, "Chat action has been completed successfully"]);


  • actionuuid - unique ID for the chat action
  • success(Optional) - The default value is true
  • message(Optional) - The message to be displayed on the chat action button


Refer - Implementation for Chat actions.

Note: completeChatAction() and completeChatActionWithMessage() were deprecated.