We provide scopes to manage both the project and client users.

Users API

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.{Operation}


Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE at once.

Get Project Users
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/users/
Add Users to a Project
POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/users/
Add Users to a Portal
POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/
Update Users in a Project
POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/users/[USERID]/
Delete User from a Project
DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/users/[USERID]/
Get Remaining no. of Users in a Portal
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/availcount/
Get Portal Users
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/
Delete User from a Portal
DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/[USERID]/
Update a Portal User
PATCH  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/[USERID]
Activate User
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/activate/
Deactivate User
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/activate/

Get Project Users

Gets the details of all the users in a specific project.

GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/users/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.READ

Request parameters


Availability status of the user.
Allowed values:

  • active
  • inactive
  • all

By default, the active users will be listed.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                        "users": [{
                                                                                            "id": "2060758",
                                                                                            "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                                                                                            "active": true,
                                                                                            "email": "patriciab@zillum.com",
                                                                                            "role": "admin"
                                                                                        }, {
                                                                                            "id": "2060761",
                                                                                            "name": "Einhard Klein",
                                                                                            "active": false,
                                                                                            "email": "dieterk@zillum.com",
                                                                                            "role": "manager"
                                                                                        }, {
                                                                                            "id": "2063348",
                                                                                            "name": "Charles Stone",
                                                                                            "active": true,
                                                                                            "email": "charless@zillum.com",
                                                                                            "role": "employee"
                                                                                        }, {
                                                                                            "id": "2063354",
                                                                                            "name": "Nathan Brooks",
                                                                                            "active": true,
                                                                                            "email": "nbrooks@zillum.com",
                                                                                            "role": "contractor"

Add Users to a Project

Adds users to a specific project.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/users/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE

Request parameters

emailStringEmail ID of users separated by a comma.
roleStringRole of the user (manager, employee, contractor).
rateFloatThe rate per hour set for a specific user in a project based on staff based billing. Example: 20.750
user_budgetFloatEnter the Cost Budget.
budget_thresholdFloatSpecify the Cost Budget Threshold.
cost_per_hourFloatSpecify the cost per hour.
revenue_budgetFloatEnter the Revenue Budget.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                        "users": [{
                                                                                            "id": "2060758",
                                                                                            "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                                                                                            "email": "patriciab@zillum.com",
                                                                                            "role": "employee",
                                                                                            "rate": "20.750"

Add Users to a Portal

Adds users to a Portal

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE

Request parameters

emailStringEmail ID of users separated by a comma.
profileidStringProfile ID of the user to be added.
roleidStringRole id of the user.
work_projectsLongMultiple project IDs separated by comma.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                        "users": [
                                                                                                "role_name": "Manager",
                                                                                                "zpuid": "170876000011876001",
                                                                                                "profile_name": "Manager",
                                                                                                "role": "Manager",
                                                                                                "profile_type": "6",
                                                                                                "role_id": "170876000004915003",
                                                                                                "profile_id": "170876000004602140",
                                                                                                "name": "albaflores",
                                                                                                "active": true,
                                                                                                "id": "756839327",
                                                                                                "email": "albaflores@zillum.com"

Update Users in a Project

Updates the details of a specific user in a project.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/users/[USERID]/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.UPDATE

Request parameters

roleStringRole of the user (manager, employee, contractor).
rateFloatThe rate per hour set for a specific user in a project "based on staff" type billing. Eg: 20.750
cost_per_hourFloatSpecify the cast per hour.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                        "users": [{
                                                                                            "id": "2060758",
                                                                                            "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                                                                                            "email": "patriciab@zillum.com",
                                                                                            "role": "employee",
                                                                                            "rate": "20.750"

Delete User from a Project

Deletes the user from a project.

DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/project/[PROJECTID]/users/[USERID]/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.DELETE

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "response": "User Deleted Successfully"

Get Remaining no. of Users in a Portal

Fetches the remaining no. of users to be added in a specific portal.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/availcount/

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                    "available_user_count": "1"

Get Portal Users

Gets the details of all users in a specific portal.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.READ

Request parameters


Availability status of the user.
Allowed values:

  • active
  • inactive
  • all

By default, the active users will be listed.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "users": [
                                                                                          "role_name": "Manager",
                                                                                          "profile_name": "manager",
                                                                                          "role": "manager",
                                                                                          "profile_type": "6",
                                                                                          "role_id": "170876000004915003",
                                                                                          "profile_id": "170876000004602140",
                                                                                          "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                                                                                          "active": true,
                                                                                          "id": "923962",
                                                                                          "invoice": "60.000",
                                                                                          "email": "patricia.b@zylker.com",
                                                                                          "currency_code": "USD"
                                                                                          "role_name": "Administrator",
                                                                                          "profile_name": "admin",
                                                                                          "role": "admin",
                                                                                          "profile_type": "2",
                                                                                          "role_id": "170876000004915001",
                                                                                          "profile_id": "170876000004602137",
                                                                                          "name": "Eduardo Vargas",
                                                                                          "active": true,
                                                                                          "id": "2060557",
                                                                                          "invoice": "40.000",
                                                                                          "email": "eduardov@zillum.com",
                                                                                          "currency_code": "USD"
                                                                                          "role_name": "Employee",
                                                                                          "profile_name": "employee",
                                                                                          "role": "employee",
                                                                                          "profile_type": "7",
                                                                                          "role_id": "170876000004915005",
                                                                                          "profile_id": "170876000004602143",
                                                                                          "name": "Jasmine Frank",
                                                                                          "active": true,
                                                                                          "id": "2060559",
                                                                                          "invoice": "0.000",
                                                                                          "email": "jasminef@zillum.com",
                                                                                          "currency_code": "USD"
                                                                                          "role": "client",
                                                                                          "profile_type": 3,
                                                                                          "client_company_name": "Universal Events",
                                                                                          "client_company_id": "170876000003941041",
                                                                                          "currency_code": "USD",
                                                                                          "role_name": "Client",
                                                                                          "profile_name": "client",
                                                                                          "role_id": "170876000004915009",
                                                                                          "profile_id": "170876000004602149",
                                                                                          "name": "david.henry",
                                                                                          "id": "636378540",
                                                                                          "invoice": "80.000",
                                                                                          "email": "david.henry@yahoo.com"

Delete User from a Portal

Deletes the user from a portal.

DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/[USERID]/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.DELETE

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "status": "success"

Update a User in the Portal

Update a user in the portal.

PATCH  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/[USERID]

Scope ZohoProjects.users.UPDATE


Content-TypeProvide the Content-Type as application/json.


profile_idStringProfile ID of the user to be modified.
role_idStringRole ID of the user to be modified.
project_idsJSON array

Project IDs to be modified.

Note Project IDs that are not mentioned will be dissociated. 

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "users": [
                                                                                          "role_name": "Manager",
                                                                                          "profile_name": "Manager",
                                                                                          "role": "Manager",
                                                                                          "profile_type": "6",
                                                                                          "role_id": "1265885000000017003",
                                                                                          "profile_id": "1265885000000015140",
                                                                                          "associated_projects": [
                                                                                              "project_id": "1265885000000214141",
                                                                                              "project_name": "Gantt Chart"
                                                                                          "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                                                                                          "active": true,
                                                                                          "id": "669857953",
                                                                                          "email": "patricia@zohocorp.com"

Activate User

Activates a specific user in a specific portal.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/activate

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE

Request parameters

activateLongUser ID

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                     "response": "User Activated Successfully"

Deactivate User

Deactivates a specific user from a specific portal.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/users/activate/

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE

Request parameters

deactivateLongUser ID

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                    "response": "User Deactivated Successfully"

Clients API

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.{Operation}


Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE at once.

Add User to a Client Company
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/[CLIENT_COMPANY_ID]/users
Add a Client Company
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/
Get Portal Clients
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/
Get Project Clients
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/clients/
Get Project Client Details
GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/clients/[CLIENTID]/
Get Projects Associated to a Client Company
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/[CLIENTID]/projects
Add an Existing Client Company from a Portal to a Project
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/clients/
Add a Client User to a Project
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clientusers/[CLIENTID/projects]
Delete a Client User from the Project
DEL  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clientusers/[USERID]

Add User to a Client Company

Adds user to an existing client company.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/[CLIENT_COMPANY_ID]/users

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE

Request parameters

contact_email*StringEmail ID of the client user.
work_projectsLongMultiple project IDs are separated using comma.
profile_idLongSpecify Profile ID. profile_id is obtained from Get Portal Users API.
invoice_rateDoubleSpecify an invoice rate. Example 50.000


Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "clients": [
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "associated_projects": [
                                                                                              "name": "Budgetting",
                                                                                              "id": 170876000000008000
                                                                                              "name": "Logistics",
                                                                                              "id": 170876000000307040
                                                                                              "name": "Project Analysis",
                                                                                              "id": 170876000000531420
                                                                                          "name": "Zoho ",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005492320,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Budgetting",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000000008000
                                                                                                  "name": "Logistics",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000000307040
                                                                                              "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                                                                                              "id": "668495355",
                                                                                              "email": "patricia.b@zylker.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""

Add a Client Company

Adds a client company.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.CREATE

Request parameters

name*StringName of the client company.
work_projectsLongClient company project ID. Multiple project IDs are separated using a comma.
contact_emailStringEmail address of the client company.
web_addressStringWeb address of the client company.
first_addressStringFirst address of the client company.
second_addressStringSecond address of the client company.
cityStringCity of the client company.
stateStringState of the client company.
countryStringCountry of the client company.
primary_clientBooleanAccepted values: Yes/no.
zip_codeStringZip code of the client company.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "clients": [
                                                                                          "country": "United States",
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "first_address": "15/16",
                                                                                          "city": "Kansas",
                                                                                          "associated_projects": [
                                                                                              "name": "Patricia",
                                                                                              "id": 170876000000008000
                                                                                              "name": "Logistics",
                                                                                              "id": 170876000000307040
                                                                                          "name": "Zylker",
                                                                                          "second_address": "Ontaria",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005528000,
                                                                                          "state": "Texas",
                                                                                          "zip_code": "642032"

Get Portal Clients

Returns the list of client companies in the portal.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.READ

Request parameters

rangeintRequired range.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "clients": [
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "name": "iOS 10",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000003884007/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000003884000
                                                                                          "id": 170876000003941060,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "name": "david.henry",
                                                                                              "id": "636378540",
                                                                                              "email": "david.henry@yahoo.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "name": "Lexcorp",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000003965017/projects"
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "name": "Leester Donnelly and Sons",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000004176039/projects"
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Donnelly Apartments Construction",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004154020
                                                                                                  "name": "Project template test",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004881120
                                                                                                  "name": "IDC Project template test",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004885020
                                                                                                  "name": "Daymart Complex Construction",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004921000
                                                                                                  "name": "Office Renovation",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000005047000
                                                                                                  "name": "Nakshatra Duplex",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000005838000
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Donnelly Apartments Construction",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004154020
                                                                                                  "name": "Project template test",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004881120
                                                                                                  "name": "IDC Project template test",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004885020
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Donnelly Apartments Construction",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004154020
                                                                                                  "name": "Project template test",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004881120
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004241000,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "name": "mike",
                                                                                              "id": "641626736",
                                                                                              "email": "mike@languagehub.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "name": "nolan",
                                                                                              "id": "641627027",
                                                                                              "email": "nolan@languagehub.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "2277976000000183015",
                                                                                          "name": "Home Style",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000004487005/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004487000,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Business Breakfast meeting",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004028000
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "name": "Happy Pets",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000004625003/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004625000
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004711000
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "2277976000000337042",
                                                                                          "name": "Kevin and Sarah's",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000004711023/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004711000,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "2277976000000349032",
                                                                                          "name": "Frank's House Construction",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000004734015/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004734000,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Frank-House Construction",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004736000
                                                                                              "name": "frankxavier006",
                                                                                              "id": "650334175",
                                                                                              "email": "frankxavier006@gmail.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": "2277976000000349028"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004747000
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "2277976000000360019",
                                                                                          "name": "Frank- House Construction",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000004750015/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004750000,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "name": "frank006",
                                                                                              "id": "650838421",
                                                                                              "email": "frank006@gmail.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": "2277976000000360023"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004850020
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "name": "Zoho ",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000005492312/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005492320,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                          "country": "United States",
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "city": "Austin",
                                                                                          "name": "Rufus ",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000005531001/projects"
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005531000,
                                                                                          "state": "Tamil Nadu",
                                                                                          "zip_code": "600072",
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Donnelly Apartments Construction",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004154020
                                                                                              "name": "rufus.david92 rufus.david92",
                                                                                              "id": "649332655",
                                                                                              "email": "rufus.david92@gmail.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                          "country": "United States of America",
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "first_address": "21, Maple Bay View Lane",
                                                                                          "city": "San Jose",
                                                                                          "name": "Dine n Dance",
                                                                                          "link": {
                                                                                            "associated_projects": {
                                                                                              "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/clients/170876000005540541/projects"
                                                                                          "second_address": "Santa Clara",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005540540,
                                                                                          "state": "California",
                                                                                          "zip_code": "95110",
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Brochure design",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000002843000
                                                                                                  "name": "Business Breakfast meeting",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000004028000
                                                                                              "name": "support",
                                                                                              "id": "641626759",
                                                                                              "email": "support@dinendance.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "associated_projects": [
                                                                                                  "name": "Brochure design",
                                                                                                  "id": 170876000002843000
                                                                                              "name": "duke.j",
                                                                                              "id": "675926474",
                                                                                              "email": "duke.j@dinendance.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""

Get Project Clients

Returns the list of client companies associated with a specific project ID.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/clients/

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.READ

Request parameters

indexintStarting index of the client company.
rangeintRequired range.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "clients": [
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "name": "Leester Donnelly and Sons",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004176030,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "name": "Pearlyn Anugraha",
                                                                                              "id": "41961758",
                                                                                              "email": "pearlynjohnson@gmail.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "name": "kelvinw",
                                                                                              "id": "640012075",
                                                                                              "email": "kelvinw@donnelly.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "name": "delphinm",
                                                                                              "id": "640012842",
                                                                                              "email": "delphinm@donnelly.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "name": "leesterd",
                                                                                              "id": "640013412",
                                                                                              "email": "leesterd@donnelly.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""

Get Project Client Details

Returns the details of the client ID mentioned in the URL.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/clients/[CLIENTID]/

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.READ

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "clients": [
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "name": "Leester Donnelly and Sons",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004176030,
                                                                                          "users": [
                                                                                              "name": "Pearlyn Anugraha",
                                                                                              "id": "41961758",
                                                                                              "email": "pearlynjohnson@gmail.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "name": "kelvinw",
                                                                                              "id": "640012075",
                                                                                              "email": "kelvinw@donnelly.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "name": "delphinm",
                                                                                              "id": "640012842",
                                                                                              "email": "delphinm@donnelly.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""
                                                                                              "name": "leesterd",
                                                                                              "id": "640013412",
                                                                                              "email": "leesterd@donnelly.com",
                                                                                              "crm_contact_id": ""

Get Projects Associated to a Client Company

Returns the projects associated to a client company.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clients/[CLIENT USER ID]/projects

Scope: ZohoProjects.users.READ

Request parameters

rangeintRequired range.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "associated_projects": [
                                                                                          "name": "Zapier Integration",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000003686000
                                                                                          "name": "Donnelly Apartments Construction",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004154020
                                                                                          "name": "Project template test",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004881120
                                                                                          "name": "IDC Project template test",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004885020
                                                                                          "name": "Daymart Complex Construction",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004921000
                                                                                          "name": "Office Renovation",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005047000
                                                                                          "name": "Nakshatra Duplex",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005838000
                                                                                          "name": "Supermarket Construction",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000005962020

Add an Existing Client Company in a Portal to a Project

Adds an existing client company to a project.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/clients/

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.CREATE

Request parameters

company_idlongClient company ID
primary_clientBooleanAccepted values: Yes/no.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "clients": [
                                                                                          "country": "US",
                                                                                          "crm_account_id": "",
                                                                                          "first_address": "8, Bay View Street",
                                                                                          "city": "CA",
                                                                                          "name": "Nexus - The Language Studio",
                                                                                          "id": 170876000004241000

Add a Client User to a Project

Adds a client user in project.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clientusers/[CLIENT USER ID]/projects

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.CREATE

Request parameters

projids*JSON arrayID of the projet to which the client user should be added.
clientId*StringID of the client company

* mandatory

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                      "response": "Client user added successfully in project(s) - ##########"

Delete client user from projects

Deletes client user from projects.

DEL  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/clientusers/[USERID]/projects

Scope: ZohoProjects.clients.DELETE

Request parameters

projidsJSON arrayProject IDs from which the client users should be deleted.

Sample response

Status: 200 Success
                                                                                                                                            Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
                                                                                                                  "response": "User Deleted Successfully from project"

Leaves API

To enable the leave module for your portal, please send an email to support@zohoprojects.com

GET All Leaves
GET /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave
Get Leave Details
GET /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave/{leave_id}
Add Leaves
POST /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave 
Update Leave
PATCH /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave/{leave_id}
Delete Leave
DELETE /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave/{leave_id}

Get All Leaves

Fetches all the leave days

GET /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave

Scope: ZohoProjects.leave.READ

Request parameters

indexint Index number of the leave. Should be greater than or equal to 0.
rangeintTotal number of records. Should be less than or equal to 200.


Sample response

                                                                                                "leaves": [
                                                                                                "reason": "Vacation",
                                                                                                "created_time": "2024-06-11T04:02:55.165Z",
                                                                                                "reference_id": "200",
                                                                                                "from_date": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                                                                                                "to_date": "2024-07-01T23:59:59.000Z",
                                                                                                "id": "6000000134001",
                                                                                                "type": "Casual Leave",
                                                                                                "user": {
                                                                                                "zpuid": 6000000002159,
                                                                                                "name": "Monica",
                                                                                                "last_name": "Hemsworth",
                                                                                                "first_name": "Monica",
                                                                                                "email": "monica.hemsworth@zylker.com",
                                                                                                "zuid": 16704016
                                                                                                "reason": "Not feeling well",
                                                                                                "created_time": "2024-06-11T04:07:06.893Z",
                                                                                                "reference_id": "201",
                                                                                                "from_date": "2024-07-02T10:00:00.000Z",
                                                                                                "to_date": "2024-07-02T13:00:00.000Z",
                                                                                                "id": "6000000134003",
                                                                                                "type": "Sick Leave",
                                                                                                "user": {
                                                                                                "zpuid": 6000000002159,
                                                                                                "name": "Monica",
                                                                                                "last_name": "Hemsworth",
                                                                                                "first_name": "Monica",
                                                                                                "email": "monica.hemsworth@zylker.com",
                                                                                                "zuid": 16704016
                                                                                                "page_info": {
                                                                                                "has_next_page": false,
                                                                                                "index": 1,
                                                                                                "range": 200

Get Leave Details

Fetches leave details.

GET /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave/{leave_id}

Scope: ZohoProjects.leave.READ

Sample response

                                                  "leaves": [
                                                      "reason": "Not well",
                                                      "created_time": "2024-06-11T04:02:55.165Z",
                                                      "reference_id": "200",
                                                      "from_date": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                                                      "to_date": "2024-07-01T23:59:59.000Z",
                                                      "id": "6000000134001",
                                                      "type": "Sick Leave",
                                                      "user": {
                                                        "zpuid": 6000000002159,
                                                        "name": "Monica",
                                                        "last_name": "Hemsworth",
                                                        "first_name": "Monica",
                                                        "email": "monica.hemsworth@zylker.com",
                                                        "zuid": 16704016

Add Leaves

GET /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave

Scope: ZohoProjects.leave.CREATE

Request parameters

user - zpuidJSONObjectEnter the ZPUID of the user
typeStringEnter Leave type. A maximum of 100 characters can be added.
from_date  ISO8601 formatSample - 2024-07-02T10:00:00Z
to_date ISO8601 formatsample  - 2024-07-02T10:00:00Z
reasonStringEnter the reason for the leave. A maximum of 250 character can be added.
reference_idStringEnter the reference ID. A maximum of 250 character can be added.


  • User can add up to 100 leaves in a request.

  • Multiple user leaves cannot be added with a single request.


Sample Input

                                                 "user" : {
                                                 "zpuid": "6000000002159"
                                                 "type": "Casual Leave",
                                                 "from_date": "2024-07-02T10:00:00Z",
                                                 "to_date": "2024-07-02T13:00:00Z",

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://projetsapi.zoho.com/api/v3/portal/16703711/leave' \
                                                --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1000.1497b448dd8ff570453496a14f972f74.f18cecc1d5b9662359258266212290fe' \
                                                --data '[
                                                "user" : {
                                                "zpuid": "6000000002159"
                                                "type": "Permission",
                                                "from_date": "2024-07-02T10:00:00Z",
                                                "to_date": "2024-07-02T13:00:00Z",

Update Leave

Updates leave details.

PATCH  /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave/{leave_id}

Scope: ZohoProjects.leave.UPDATE

Request parameters

user - zpuidJSONObjectEnter the ZPUID of the user
typeStringEnter Leave type. A maximum of 100 characters can be added.
from_date  ISO8601 formatSample - 2024-07-02T10:00:00Z
to_date ISO8601 formatsample  - 2024-07-02T10:00:00Z
reasonStringEnter the reason for the leave. A maximum of 250 character can be added.
reference_idStringEnter the reference ID. A maximum of 250 character can be added.

Sample Input

                                                 "user" : {
                                                 "zpuid": "6000000002159"
                                                 "type": "Casual Leave",
                                                 "from_date": "2024-07-02T10:00:00Z",
                                                 "to_date": "2024-07-02T13:00:00Z",

Sample Request

curl --location --request PATCH 'https://projectsapi.zoho.com/api/v3/portal/16703711/leave/6000000134001' \
                                                --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1000.2b1c3bd8b8b31031d8b8a0f99e6b4582.b259ee093e76b514738bc67b3e730cac' \
                                                --data '{
                                                "user" : {
                                                "zpuid": "6000000002159"
                                                "type": "Permission",
                                                "from_date": "2024-07-01T00:00:00Z",
                                                "to_date": "2024-07-01T23:59:59Z",

Delete Leave

Deletes a leave.

 DELETE /api/v3/portal/{portal_id}/leave/{leave_id}

Scope: ZohoProjects.leave.DELETE