Projects API
Scope: ZohoBugTracker.projects.{Operation}
Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE at once.
All Projects GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/ |
Project Details GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/ |
Get Project Custom Fields Get /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/customfields/ |
Create a Project POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/ |
Update a Project POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/ |
Delete a Project DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/ |
All Projects
Get all the projects in the portal for the logged in user.
Scope: ZohoBugTracker.projects.READ
Request Parameters
index | int | Index number of the project. |
range | int | Range of the projects. |
status | String | Status of the project must be active or archived or template |
sort_column | String | Sort projects using the last modified time or time of creation. (created_time / last_modified_time) |
sort_order | String | Sort in ascending / descending order |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "projects": [{ "custom_fields": [{ "Template design": "Rightnav_temp" }, { "Promos per second": "2" }, { "Blog announcement": "02-25-2016" }, { "Promo publish date": "02-17-2016" }, { "Content approval": "Amritha Agrawal" }], "created_date": "02-16-2016", "IS_BUG_ENABLED": true, "owner_name": "Patricia Boyle", "task_count": { "open": 0, "closed": 0 }, "start_date_long": -32401001, "status": "active", "link": { "folder": { "url": "" }, "milestone": { "url": "" }, "forum": { "url": "" }, "document": { "url": "" }, "status": { "url": "" }, "event": { "url": "" }, "bug": { "url": "" }, "self": { "url": "" }, "timesheet": { "url": "" }, "user": { "url": "" }, "tasklist": { "url": "" }, "activity": { "url": "" } }, "created_date_format": "02-16-2016 03:20:43 AM", "workspace_id": "2ea4657bfe29202df4eda90dabc651e61b1d6", "milestone_count": { "open": 0, "closed": 0 }, "created_date_long": 1455621643662, "end_date_format": "12-31-1969 06:59:59 AM", "id": 170876000003152069, "end_date": "12-31-1969", "id_string": "170876000003152069", "description": "fdb df b", "name": "Promotional banner for women's day", "owner_id": "2060758", "end_date_long": -32401001, "role": "admin", "start_date_format": "12-31-1969 06:59:59 AM", "start_date": "12-31-1969" }] }
Project Details
Lists all the details of the project.
Scope: ZohoBugTracker.projects.READ
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "projects": [{ "id": 170876000000765009, "task_count": { "open": 6, "closed": 7 }, "milestone_count": { "open": 2, "closed": 1 }, "bug_count": { "open": 2, "closed": 1 }, "name": "Website Design Templates", "status": "active", "created_date": "10-22-2012 02:45 PM", "created_date_long": 1350926134092, "description": "This project is to discuss different design templates to build a website", "owner_name": "Patricia Boyle", "owner_id": "2060758", "link": { "self": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/" }, "activity": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/activities/" }, "status": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/statuses/" }, "milestone": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/milestones/" }, "tasklist": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/tasklists/" }, "bug": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/bugs/" }, "timesheet": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/logs/" }, "event": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/events/" }, "document": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/documents/" }, "folder": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/folders/" }, "forum": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/forums/" }, "user": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000000765009/users/" } } }] }
Get Project Custom Fields
Gets all the project custom fields.
- To create projects with custom fields, you need to pass the value received for the field_id in this response. The value that you receive here becomes the param in the Create a Project API.
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "project_custom_fields": [{ "is_visible": true, "field_name": "Supported browser", "field_type": "single_line", "default_value": "Chrome", "field_id": "UDF_CHAR1" }, { "is_visible": true, "field_name": "Due Date", "field_type": "date", "field_id": "UDF_DATE1" }] }
Create a Project
POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/
Scope: ZohoBugTracker.projects.CREATE
Request Parameters
name* | String [100] | Name of the project. |
owner | Long | Zoho user ID. If this param is not set, the user who creates the project will be mapped as the owner by default. |
description | String | Description of the project. |
template_id | Long | Template ID of the project. |
start_date | String [MM-DD-YYYY] | Start date of the project. |
end_date | String [MM-DD-YYYY] | End date of the project. |
strict_project | String | The value for strict projects must be either 1 or 2. (1 = Not strict, 2 = Strict) |
<field_id> ex: UDF_CHAR1 | String | The value of the custom field. |
- The project custom field feature is available only in the Enterprise plan. The params that you need to pass for the project custom fields is the value in <field_id> in Get Project Custom Fields API.
- Strict project feature is available only for paid plans.
Example of creating a project with custom fields
Since custom field names are not unique, custom fields are referred by their respective < field_id>. The same custom field name will be referred with different field Ids.
You must first get all the custom fields, and then pass the <field_id> value of the custom field as a param to create your project with the custom fields.
Here is a sample response of a custom field:
"project_custom_fields": [{
"is_visible": false,
"field_name": "Supported browser",
"field_type": "single_line",
"default_value": "Chrome",
"field_id": "UDF_CHAR1"
UDF_CHAR1 is the param that you need to pass while creating projects.
Firefox is the value for the "Supported browser" field.
Notice that the name of the field Supported browser" will not be used anywhere while creating projects.
Sample Response
Status: 201 Created Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "projects": [{ "id": 170876000001849005, "task_count": { "open": 0, "closed": 0 }, "milestone_count": { "open": 0, "closed": 0 }, "bug_count": { "open": 0, "closed": 0 }, "name": "SAP Projects", "status": "active", "created_date": "05-26-2014 10:34 AM", "created_date_long": 1401109494737, "description": "This project is used to implement end to end SAP for large scale companies.", "owner_name": "Patricia Boyle", "owner_id": "2060758", "link": { "self": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/" }, "activity": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/activities/" }, "status": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/statuses/" }, "milestone": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/milestones/" }, "tasklist": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/tasklists/" }, "bug": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/bugs/" }, "timesheet": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/logs/" }, "event": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/events/" }, "document": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/documents/" }, "folder": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/folders/" }, "forum": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/forums/" }, "user": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/users/" } } }] }
Update a Project
POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/
Scope: ZohoBugTracker.projects.UPDATE
Request Parameters
name | String [100] | Name of the project. |
owner | Long | User ID. |
description | String | Description of the project. |
status | String | Status of the project must be active or archived. |
start_date | String [MM-DD-YYYY] | Start date of the project. |
end_date | String [MM-DD-YYYY] | End date of the project. |
strict_project | String | The value for strict projects must be either 1 or 2. (1 = Not strict, 2 = Strict) |
<field_id> ex: UDF_CHAR1 | String | The value of the custom field. |
Example of updating a project with custom fields
Since custom field names are not unique, custom fields are referred by their respective < field_id>. The same custom field name will be referred with different field Ids.
You must first get all the custom fields, and then pass the <field_id> value of the custom field as a param to update your project with the custom fields.
Here is a sample response of a custom field:
"project_custom_fields": [{
"is_visible": false,
"field_name": "Supported browser",
"field_type": "single_line",
"default_value": "Firefox",
"field_id": "UDF_CHAR1"
UDF_CHAR1 is the param that you need to pass while updating projects.
Chrome is the value for the "Supported browser" field.
Notice that the name of the field Supported browser" will not be used anywhere while updating projects.
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "projects": [{ "id": 170876000001849005, "task_count": { "open": 22, "closed": 11 }, "milestone_count": { "open": 15, "closed": 7 }, "bug_count": { "open": 18, "closed": 8 }, "name": "SAP Projects", "status": "archived", "created_date": "05-26-2014 10:34 AM", "created_date_long": 1401109494737, "description": "The project has been successfully implemented in 100 companies.", "owner_name": "Patricia Boyle", "owner_id": "2060758", "link": { "self": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/" }, "activity": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/activities/" }, "status": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/statuses/" }, "milestone": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/milestones/" }, "tasklist": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/tasklists/" }, "bug": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/bugs/" }, "timesheet": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/logs/" }, "event": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/events/" }, "document": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/documents/" }, "folder": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/folders/" }, "forum": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/forums/" }, "user": { "url": " 2063927/projects/170876000001849005/users/" } } }] }
Delete a Project
Scope: ZohoBugTracker.projects.DELETE
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "response": "Project Deleted Successfully" }