Conversion API

Zoho Show’s conversion API lets you easily integrate document conversion functionality to web applications and content management systems.

The conversion API allows you to convert a file format (say pptx) to another file format (say ppsx or odp).

Zoho Show supports all popular file formats for conversion like pptx, pps, ppsx, odppdf and sxi.


To convert a document to any Show supported format.

HTTP Request URL


Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
apikey423s*****Uniquely identifies the web application which initiates the presentation conversion request.




Method of providing the input file depending on its location.

document - if the input file is from your local drive or desktop.

url - if the input file is from a publicly accessible Web URL.
formatStringOutput file format, to which the file should be converted.
Supported file formats are listed here.
Optional Parameters
passwordStringSpecify the password for the input file when importing a password-protected document using this parameter.


Users will get a response of the converted presentation in the form of bytes.

Conversion API - Error Codes

3106Conversion failed
3835File size limit exceeded. The maximum allowed size is 100 MB
3845Content type did not match

For a full list of error handling cases in Conversion API, refer here.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl --request POST \
  --url '*****' \
  --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  --form document=@/Users/username/Presentation/Sample.pptx \
  --form format=pptx \
  --form password=a1b2c3****

Sample Response

CopiedThe converted presentation will be downloaded as bytes.