Zoho Show Errors



General Errors

3500Internal Server Error while processing this request
3831Parameter <param_name> is missing in the request
3834Extra parameter <param_name> found in the request
3890Invalid API key
3891The specified request URL is incorrect
3893UDS Limit or API usage exceeded
3903Password is required.
3919Incorrect password.



Create Presentation - Errors

3802Unable to import 
3832Error occurred. Parameter value is either incorrect or invalid
3835File size limit exceeded. The maximum allowed size is 100 MB
3840Unable to import content from the specified URL
3842Invalid file extension
3845Content type did not match
3908Invalid JSON



Edit and Co-edit Presentation Errors

3802Unable to import 
3832Error occurred. Parameter value is either incorrect or invalid
3835File size limit exceeded. The maximum allowed size is 100 MB
3840Unable to import content from the specified URL
3842Invalid file extension
3845Content type did not match
3908Invalid JSON



Preview Presentation Errors

3802Unable to import
3835File size limit exceeded. The maximum allowed size is 100 MB
3840Unable to import content from the specified URL
3842Invalid file extension
3845Content type did not match



Conversion API Errors

3106Conversion failed 
3835File size limit exceeded. The maximum allowed size is 100 MB
3845Content type did not match



Delete Session Errors

3107Presentation does not exist
3109Invalid Session ID



Delete Presentation Errors

3107Presentation does not exist 
3108Invalid Presentation ID