Different ways to invite meeting participants

With Zoho Meeting, there are multiple ways to invite participants to your virtual meeting and collaborate efficiently from one place.

Learn in detail on how to invite participants to join your meeting
  • Email invitation
  • Share the meeting key or link
  • In-session invites

Email invitation

Enter the participants’ email addresses while scheduling your online meeting and let Zoho Meeting take care of the rest. A detailed email with the meeting title, date, time, RSVP option, and a one-click meeting join link will be sent to the invited participants.

Share the meeting key or link

Once the meeting is scheduled, you can still invite participants by sharing the meeting key or joining link with them. Head over to the Meetings tab and copy the unique 10-digit meeting key or the meeting link and share it with the additional participants.

In-session invites

Invite participants even after you’ve started your meetings, with just a couple of clicks. You can use meeting controls to copy either the meeting link or the meeting invitation, or simply invite participants using their email addresses.

virtual meeting invite virtual meeting invite

What does every virtual meeting invite need?

  • Title and agenda: A concise, yet descriptive meeting title with a brief agenda that covers the key points to be discussed in the scheduled meeting.
  • Date and time: Detailed day, date, and time of the scheduled online meeting, including the time zone.
  • RSVP: An option for meeting participants to respond about their availability for your online meeting.
  • Join link: A prominent call-to-action that allows the invited participants to join your scheduled meeting with just a click.
  • Ways to join the meeting: Mention different ways for participants to join the scheduled meeting, whether it's using dial-in numbers or dedicated apps.
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Tips for effective meeting invitations

virtual meeting invite

Be clear and concise.

Mention different ways for participants to join the scheduled meeting, whether it’s using dial-in numbers or dedicated apps.

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Set the right expectations.

Let participants know the meeting agenda well in advance and allow them to prepare for the session by reading the relevant materials or completing essential tasks.

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Use the right tone.

Maintain a professional yet friendly tone in your meeting invitations to make the participants feel that their time and input will be valued during the session.

Join meetings right from your browser

Invite participants to your virtual meetings and allow them to join your sessions right from their browser without having to download any additional software.

virtual meeting invite

Send meeting invites and connect from mobile

Use Zoho Meeting's dedicated Android and iOS mobile apps to schedule meetings, and invite participants instantly.

meeting invite

Connect and collaborate with participants with quick meeting invitations.

virtual meeting invite