POST - Create a Note


This API is used to create a note.

Request URL 

Group Notes<GroupID>

Personal Notes

Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
GroupID*LongThe unique identifier used for groups in the organization

* - Mandatory parameters

Request Body (JSON Object)

ParameterData TypeDescription
titleStringThe title of the note that is being added
content*StringThe content of the note that is being added
bookIdLongThe unique ID of book you want to add the note to
color*IntegerThe unique identifier used to denote the color of a note
(Notes color code: 0 - blue, 1 - green, 2 - yellow, 3 - red)

* - Mandatory parameters

Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Request


Sample Request Body

    "title": "Manager's meeting",
    "content": "Agenda for the meeting:
    1. Roadmap for the next quarter
    2. Talk about the design process
    3. How do we improve the onboarding? 
    4. Should we expand the support team?",
    "bookId": "36000000002001",
    "color": "1"

Sample Response

    "status": {
        "code": 201,
        "description": "Created"
    "data": {
        "entityId": "29000000192001",
        "URI": ""

Personal Notes

Sample Request


Sample Request Body

    "title": "Manager's meeting",
    "content": "Agenda for the meeting:
    1. Roadmap for the next quarter
    2. Talk about the design process
    3. How do we improve the onboarding? 
    4. Should we expand the support team?",
    "bookId": "36000000002001",
    "color": "1"

Sample Response

    "status": {
        "code": 201,
        "description": "Created"
    "data": {
        "entityId": "29000000192001",
        "URI": ""