Domain Details API

The Domain Details APIs help you to get information about the domains in the particular organization, verification information, mail hosting status etc. 

While using Domain related API, use the scope

Method Name  URLMethod TypeOAuth ScopePurpose

All Domain Details



 Get the details of all the domains in the organization. 
Single Domain Details



 Get the details of a single domain in the organization. 
Add Domain to an Organization



 Add a domain to the organization.
Verify a Domain in the Organization



 Verify the domain by one of the verification methods.
Make a Domain as Primary



 Make the domain as Primary domain in the Organization.
Enable Email Hosting for a Domain 



 Enable Email Hosting for the specific domain
Disable Email Hosting for a Domain



 Disable Email Hosting for the specific domain.
Make a Domain as an Alias Domain



 Make the domain as an alias to the other domain. 
Remove a Domain from Domain Alias



 Remove the alias marking between the domains.  
Delete a Domain from the Organization 



 Delete the domain from the Organization.  

Add a DKIM record

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo add a DKIM detail for your domain.

Make a DKIM detail as default

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo set a DKIM detail as default for your domain.

Delete a DKIM detail


To delete a present DKIM detail of your domain.

Regenerate DKIM detail

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo regenerate the existing DKIM detail of your domain.

Verify DKIM public key

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo verify the DKIM public key of your domain.

Add notification address

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo make an email address available in your organization as the notification address.

Delete notification address


To delete the notification address of your domain.

Add catchall account

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo make an email address available in your organization as the catch-all account.

Delete catchall account

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo delete the catchall account of your domain.

Enable subdomain stripping

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo enable sub-domain stripping for your domain.

Disable subdomain stripping

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo disable sub-domain stripping for your domain.

Verify SPF record

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo verify SPF record of your domain.

Verify MX record

/api/organization/<zoid>/domains/<domainName>PUTTo verify MX record of your domain.