PUT - Add DKIM details 


This API is used to configure DKIM details for a particular domain added to Zoho Mail.

 Request URL 




 Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
zoid*IntegerThe unique Zoho Organization Identifier of your organization. 
domainName*StringName of the domain, for which you want to add DKIM details.

* - Mandatory parameters

  Request Body (JSON Object)

ParameterData TypeAllowed ValuesDescription
mode* String addDkimDetailTo add DKIM detail for a particular domain.
selector* StringAny string of your convenienceIt is an attribute for the DKIM Signature.
hashType StringThe default value is sha256This determines the type of hash generated.
isDefaultBooleanTrue/FalseThe default value is false. If set to true, this DKIM detail will be used as the default key.

* - Mandatory parameters

 Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Request

"mode": "addDkimDetail",
"selector": "dkimselector",
"isDefault": false 

Sample Response

 "status": {
 "code": 200,
 "description": "success"
 "data": {
 "isDefault": false,
 "isVerified": false,
 "selector": "dkimselector",
 "publicKey": "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIG/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GtADCBqQKBoQC6oEhT775myv/gdT0BuBNbQVNRNwbTQXwD80jkaaO86vrLylVRuFQqYgmSsSdbDvxKSYNKzZ4PsNHs36NvIhFp/+E0Nv5kjD/mT68UV4qZPd2ZGc07iiUb+bUtLUsI6pnE2Z+ln6VUAelzpid2l8BEI43u+HQzy0PTYdZj0RFe6eVgpajKLdCqlTAy7BrcdhI7M7A2ZJJTHqaBZbEqk5O1AgMBAAE=",
 "hashType": "sha256",
 "domainId": "100000500000888999",
 "dkimId": "100000500000888000"