
How do I record the payments I receive from my vendors?

If you’ve made an excess/advance payment to a vendor and the vendor refunds a part or the entire excess/advance payment, you can record the refund under Payments Made. To record an excess/advance payment:

  • Go to Purchases on the left sidebar.
  • Select Payments Made.
  • Select an excess/advance payment.
  • Click the More button in the top top right corner.
  • Click Refund.
  • Enter the Amount, select the Refunded On date, and select the To Account.
  • Click Save.

The refund will now be recorded under Payments Made.

If you return goods or services to a vendor, or if you cancel an order, the vendor will provide a refund for your purchase. In Zoho Books, you can record the refund as vendor credits, which you can use for future transactions with the vendor. However, if you’ve requested a refund and the vendor has issued it, you can record it in Zoho Books under vendor credits. Here’s how:

  • Go to Purchases on the left sidebar.
  • Select Vendor Credits.
  • Select a vendor credit.
  • Click the More button in the top right corner.
  • Click Refund.
  • Select the Refunded On date, enter the Amount, and select the To Account.
  • Click Save.

The refund will now be recorded under Vendor Credits.

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