Save form submissions as PDFs

Let respondents save a copy of their form submissions by sharing PDFs of their responses via links and email attachments. Sharing raw submission data can appear unprofessional, but PDFs provide a user-friendly, standardized format of saving data that can also be customized to meet your individual needs.

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Share PDFs via Thank You pages

You can add a link to the PDF copy of a form response on the confirmation page seen after a successful submission. This lets respondents save a copy of their form submissions for their records.

Form to PDF
PDF Form Creator

Attach PDFs in emails

Include PDFs of form submissions in confirmation emails and other email notifications. This lets you share a form submission with both respondents and collaborators in one simple step.

Customize sophisticated PDFs

Use the PDF customization options to modify page properties, including page size, orientation, and margin width, as well as form properties, like form headers, background, and more. You can make these customizations while retaining the themes applied to your live forms. It's easy to create stunning PDFs that reflect the best of your business.

Online Form to PDF