DNS Record Configuration for 1 & 1 DNS Manager

Organizations that have 1 & 1 domains must verify their domain manually to configure their account in Zoho eProtect. Follow one of these methods to prove your domain ownership:

Domain Verification via TXT Method - 1 & 1

If the DNS Manager for your domain is hosted with 1 & 1 DNS Manager, follow the steps below to add a TXT record and verify the domain.

  1. Log in to your IONOS or 1 and 1 account.
  2. Go to your Domains overview section.
  3. Navigate to the domain you want to verify with Zoho, and click on the Settings icon under Actions.
  4. Click Domains to launch Domain Overview.
  5. Select DNS and click ADD RECORD.
  6. Choose TXT as the Record type.
  7. Enter the details for your TXT record. 
    • In the Host field, enter 
    • In the TXT Value field, enter the TXT value generated in Zoho eProtect.
    • In the TTL field, choose 1 hour or 3600 seconds.
  8. ​Now, click Save. 
  9. Navigate back to Zoho eProtect's domain verification page and click Verify TXT Record.
  10. If the DNS information is correctly propagated, the domain will be verified. You can proceed with the next steps to create user accounts.

Domain Verification via CNAME Method - 1 & 1

If your domain is hosted with 1 and 1 follow the below steps to add a CNAME and verify the domain.

  1. Log in to your IONOS or 1 and 1 account.
  2. Go to your Domains overview section
  3. Navigate to the domain you want to verify with Zoho, and click on the Settings icon under Actions.
  4. Click Domains to launch Domain Overview.
  5. Select DNS and click ADD RECORD.
  6. Select CNAME as the Record Type.
  7. Specify the Host Name as the code (Zb code) generated in your Zoho eProtect's domain verification page (Example: zb12345678).
  8. In the Points To field, specify the value from the CNAME Value/ Points To/ Destination field of your Zoho eProtect.
  9. After setting the desired TTL, click Save.
  10. Navigate back to Zoho eProtect's domain verification page and click Verify CNAME Record.
  11. If the DNS information is correctly propagated, the domain will be verified. You can proceed with the next steps to create user accounts.


In case you are not able to add the CNAME Record directly. Create a subdomain with the Zb code generated in your Zoho domain verification page. And then, add CNAME with zmverify.zoho.com, in the Point To field by editing it's DNS settings.

Configure MX Records - 1 & 1

If your DNS is hosted with 1 and 1 follow the below steps to change the MX Records of the domain to start receiving emails via Zoho eProtect.

  1. Log in to your IONOS or 1 and 1 account.
  2. Select Domains and SSL and navigate to the domain you want to configure MX records, and click on the Settings icon under Actions.
  3. Click Domains to launch Domain Overview.
  4. Select DNS and click ADD RECORD.
  5. Select MX as the Record Type.
  6. Enter @ as Hostname, specify eprotect-mx.zoho.com in the Points to field, and set Priority to 10.
  7. After setting the desired TTL, click Save.
  8. Repeat the same steps to add the second and third MX records and their priorities.


    • The MX values given above are based on the generic configuration information.
    • Ensure that you have added Zoho's MX records with the least priority when compared to your previous email provider.
    • The MX records that should be returned when you check in the MX Lookup tool should be 
      • eprotect-mx.zoho.com
      • eprotect-mx2.zoho.com
      • eprotect-mx3.zoho.com